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On Motion of Mr. B. Levy a committee of 4 be appointed
to keep order and decorum during the service
in the synagogue. Carried.
The president appointed Mr. B. Levy,
J.S. Newmark , A. Hamburger and M. Levy.

No further business
appearing, the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris, Secretary

Sacramento, September 14th, 1879

A special meeting of the board of officers
was held at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
Mr. L. Elkus president in the chair.
All the officers was noted except Mr. B.
and M. Levy.

The president stated this meeting is called
for making preparation for the coming holy days
and hear the report of committee on revising the rules
and regulations.

The committee reported they have met with Mr.
Gerstman and have attend some services
from Minhag America. On motion the report was
adopted and committee discharged.

The president reported that he procured
a choir during the holiday and the congregation
will have to pay for the same.

On motion of Mr. Newmark, a committee of 5 be appointed
to canvass among the merchants that the
collection days be made, in place of Saturday,
on Monday. Carried.

The president appointed Mr. Newmark, Lavinson,
Phillips, Hamburger, and Elkus.

A communication from Rev. Gerstman was read
and placed on file.

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