The secretary was authorized to have 250 tickets
printed, "please be silent."
On motion of Mr. Newmark the vice president
and secretary have power to sell seats to nonmembers.
No further business
appearing, the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Secretary.
Sacramento, September 28th, 1879
A regular monthly meeting of the board of officers
was held at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
Mr. M. Robertscheck, V. President in the chair.
All officers was noted present, except Mr. L. Elkus.
The minutes of the regular monthly was read
and corrected. It shall say the delinquent
list of the old congregation was read
and the minutes of the special meeting
was read and adopted.
The monthly bills was read
and on motion ordered paid.
On motion that half month salary be paid
Mr. Gerstman in advance. Carried.
On motion the secretary was authorized whenever
the organist and choir present their bill for the
month of September to draw a warrant for
the amount. Carried.
Monthly Bills
G. Haines, Exchange on silver .75
Moss & Bauer for repairing $4.50
S. Morris Hebrew school books & sundry 2.40
Sacramento Journal printing cards 1.50
N. Mohns taking care of cemetery 15.00
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