Amounts brought over $24.15
M. Wilson for cleaning yard 2.25
L. Elkus carriage hire 2.00
J. Ginsburg windows fixing 2.25
L.L. Lewis Co. for sundries 3.87
Capital Gas Company for gas 4.80
S. Gerstman half month salary in advance 75.00
M. Wilson salary as collector 25.00
Mrs. F.L. Heber [Note 1] salary as organist 20.00
Mrs. Coppersmith for singing in choir 20.00
Mrs. Carter for singing in choir 25.00
$ 204.32
The Secretary reported
that Miss Birnbrei [Note 2] has donated the proceeds
of raffle for the benefit of the Congregation,
two hundred dollars and handed it over
to the Treasurer.
On motion of Mr. Newmark a committee
of 3 be appointed to draft suitable resolution
and present the same to Miss Birnbrei.
Carried. The President appointed
Mr. Newmark, Levison, and B. Levy.
On motion of Mr. Newmark that a committee
of one be appointed to confer with Mr. Elkus
to appoint Mr. Rand as organist in place of
Mrs. Heber, and to have a special meeting
about a choir whenever Mr. Elkus will
be able to be about. Carried.
On motion of Mr. Lavinson, the Secretary be authorized
to notify Mr. M. Friedman that his service
as shochet from the first of October is no
more required. Carried.
The committee on seats made their report
that they have received $ 30.00 for nonmembers.
On motion the report be received, place on file
[Note 1: Mrs. F.L. Heber was a music teacher in Sacramento, 1895 city directory]
[Note 2: Also spelled "Birnbry" in the minutes]
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