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until February 1th, 1880, and the Sec. be instructed
to notify Mr. Gerstman that when a officer is present
and tell him to commence service he shall do so. Carried.

The following bills was read and ordered paid

N. Mohn taking care of cemetery $15.00
S. Morris expressage .45
G. Haines exchange on silver .70
L. Phillips paid delivery baggage [??cost] 1.00
M. Friedman salary as Shochet for the month September 20.00
M. Wilson for service as collector and marriage fees 30.00
L.L. Lewis & Co for shutting off the water 1.00
T.D. Scriver Carriage hire 4.00
Wilson " " 4.00
Rev. S. Gerstman by balance salary for October and marriage fees 85.00
Wm. G. Rand for salary as organist up to November 6th 15.00

No further business
appearing the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris, Sec.

Sacramento, November 23th, 1879

A special meeting of the Board of Officers
was held at 10 o clock A.M.

Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the Chair,
all officers was noted present.

The President stated this meeting is called
for that a Mrs. Antonia Berg died here in this
city and has no relation here it is
necessary to make arrangement for the funeral.

The President stated also that it is necessary to procure wood
for the schoolroom.

On motion of Mr. Robertscheck the congregation furnished
the ground and one carriage for burial purposes. Carried.
On motion the whole subject matter about the funeral

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