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was left to the Vice President. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Newmark the school directors
be empowered to procure wood for the school. Carried.

No furthur business
appearing, the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris, Sec.

Sacramento, November 30th, 1879

A regular monthly meeting of the Board of
Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 1/2 o clock A.M.

The President Mr. L. Elkus in the chair.
All the officers was noted present except Mr.
Joseph Newmark.

The minutes of the last monthly meeting
and of the special meeting of November 23th
was read and approved.

The resignation of Mr. A. Hyman was read
and on motion accepted.

A communication of Rev. S. Gerstman was
read in regard to lighting [??up] in the day
time on Saturdays and other day when
there is worship around the Ark in the
Synagogue, was on motion, received and
place on file.

On motion of Mr. B. Levy, the Sec. was instructed
to notify Rev. S. Gerstman, that school must
kept at all times in the Franklin Schoolhouse
until further notice. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Hamburger, the Vice President be empowered
to have necessary repairs, the north side door of the Synagogue

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