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Basement. Carried.

The following bills was read and ordered paid.
Judge Haines exchange on silver .75
H.S. Crocker and Co. for printing $3.50
John Skelton 1/2 cord wood 4.50
J.F. Toomey carriage hire 4.00
M. Wilson service as collector and marriage fees 30.00
N. Mohns service on cemetery 15.00
S. Morris 4 blank note book for choir 2.00
Wm. G. Rand organist salary 15.00
Rev. S. Gerstman salary and marriage fees 160.00
Mr. L. Elkus sundry bills 9.50
Capitol Gas Company from October 1st to December 9.60
Total $253.85
No further business
appearing the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris, Sec.

Sacramento, December 28th, 1879

A regular monthly meeting of the Board
of Officers was held at Judge Haines office
at 10 1/2 A.M.
President L. Elkus in the chair.
All officers was noted present except Mr. J. S Newmark,
L. Phillips and M. Levy.

The minutes of the last meeting was read
and approved.

The resignation of Mr. Bissinger and
James Kolman was read and on motion

On motion of S. Morris, a committee of three be
appointed to report at the next meeting
to plan to get up a entertainment for the
benefit of the congegration. Carried.
The President appointed Mr. B. Levy, S. Morris and
M. Robertscheck, on motion the President was added to the committee.

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