On motion of Mr. B. Levy the Vice President
be empowered to have the railing outside
the synagogue around the basement fixed.
The bill of H. Luft was laid over until
next meeting.
The following bills was read and ordered paid
Mrs. M. Maginness as janitor of school room one month
and a half $7.50
Capitol Gas Company 3.20
To Wm. P. Rand as organist 15.00
" W. Mohn taking care of the cemetery 15.00
" M. Wilson collector 25.00
" L. L. Lewis & Co for stove and pipe and sundries 20.00
Rev. S. Gerstman salary 150.00
County Taxes 65.62
Total $301.32
No further business appearing
The meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec
Sacramento, February 1th, 1880
A regular monthly meeting of the board
of officers was held at Judge Haines office
at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
The President Mr. L. Elkus in the Chair,
all the officers was noted present.
The minutes of the last monthly meeting was
read and approved.
A communication from Mr. B. Levy was
read stating that he is leaving this city
and resigns as a member of this board
and also as a member of the Congregation B. I.
Was on motion, accepted.
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