The proposition of Mr. L. Harris and
Mr. Jacob Markowitz was read and on motion,
Mr. Harris and Mr. Markowitz was elected
members of the Congregation.
The committee on entertainment reported as follows:
Mr. Elkus recommend a ball, and Mr. Robertscheck
and Morris recommend a entertainment and ball.
On motion, the report was received and committee
discharged. Carried.
On motion of Mr. Haines, a ball shall be given
for the benefit of the Congregation on February 26th, 1880.
On motion of Mr. Phillips the price of tickets
be fixed at $1.00, gentlemans and ladys. Carried.
On motion of Mr. Newmark, a committee of 5 to be
appointed the (President shall be one of this
committee) with full power to act to make
arrangement for the ball. Carried.
The President appointed L. Elkus, J. S. Newmark,
Mr. Robertscheck, S. Morris, and L. Phillips.
The following bills was allowed.
Mrs. Maginness as janitor for school $5.00
Rev. S. Gerstman salary 150.00
H. Luft roof repairing 5.00
W. Snarr repairing wall 5.00
Locke & Lavinson sundries 2.50
H. S. Crocker printing rec'd 12 books 6.00
Capitol Gas Company 2.10
W. F. Frazer Lumber for cemetery 3.00
Wm. L. Rand organist 15.00
M. Wilson as collector 25.00
Abrams and Taney gates for basement 8.00
N. Mohn taking care of cemetery 15.00
Total $241.60
No further business appearing
The meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec.
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