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and a dressing room for himself.
On motion the communication be received and
placed on file. Carried.

A second communication was read from Dr. Bloch
asking permission to have a exhibition consisting
of tables on Purim night, also to have a better
choir. On motion the communication was received and placed on file.
On motion in regard to the Purim entertainment
the request of Dr. Bloch granted.

On motion the committee on choir in conjunction
with Dr. Bloch be authorized to get up
as good a choir as possible. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Haines a committee of 2
be appointed in conjunction with Dr. Bloch
to draft suitable rules and regulations
for the Congregation. Carried. The President
appointed Mr. Robertscheck and Mr. Phillips.
On motion, in regard the school room
and dressing room be laid over for further time.

Judge Haines presented to the Congregation
a clock to be placed in the synagogue.
On motion a vote of thanks be tendered to
Judge Haines for this valuable present. Carried.

On motion the Vice President be authorized
to have the clock placed in the synagogue
and bolts fix at the middle door. Carried.

Mrs. Johanna Marks presented 2 robes
for Sefer Torahs. On motion the same be accepted
and a committee of
2 be appointed in conjunction with the President
to draft suitable resolution and have
the same expressed
and presented to Mrs. Marks. Carried.

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