The President appointed Mr. L. Phillips
and Lithauer.
Mrs. M.M. Levy presented several silk
bands for the Sefer Torah, and on motion,
the secretary was instructed to a letter of thanks
to Mrs. Levy and the same be spread on
the minutes. Carried.
Sacramento, March 1th, 1881
Mrs. M. M. Levy
At the regular monthly meeting of the Board
of Officers of the Congregation B.I.
the secretary was instructed to tender
you their sincere thanks for your liberal
donation given to this congregation.
I remain your obedient
S. Morris, Secretary of C.B.I.
On motion that the second annual
Purim Ball be given on March 15, 1881,
for the benefit of the C.B.I. Carried.
On motion, the President appointed a committee
of 3 in conjunction with the President
to make arrangement for the ball. Carried.
The President appointed
Mr. L. Phillips, Lithauer, and Morris.
On motion, Mr. Lithauer be appointed
a committee of 1 to ask Eureka Social
Club to aid us at the Purim Ball. Carried.
The following bills was allowed for the month
of January, 1881
M. Wilson, for collecting and marriage fees $30.00
" " " wood chopper & broom 1.50
Rev. J. Bloch, salary and marriage fees 160.00
N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00
Wm. Rand, organist 15.00
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