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Sacramento, October 30th, 1887

The regular monthly meeting
of the Board of Officers was held
at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
at synagogue.
Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair.
At roll call, Messrs. J. Dombrower and
L. Salomon was noted absent.

The minutes of the last regular meeting
was read and approved.

Mr. I. Damilewitz applied to become
a member of the congregation which,
on motion, was elected.
The resignation of Mr. A. Dennery
was read and, on motion,
the same was accepted.

On motion of Mr. Stein that all widows
who has husbands buried in a double
plot at the cemetery and resides
away from Sacramento, and wish to retain
that plot shall pay a monthly dues of
one dollar. Carried.

On motion of Mr. B. Cohen, a vote of
thanks be tendered to Mr. S. Dombrower
for officiating during the last Holidays. Carried.

On motion of Mr. M. Wilson, a committee
of 3 be appointed to draft a suitable resolution
in honor to Mr. M. Robertcheck, the last
Vice President, and presented to him.
The President appointed
Messrs. Wilson, B. Cohen, and Marcus
The resolutions are as follow

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