Sacramento, September 30th, 1889 [1888]
The regular meeting
of the board of officers was
held at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, president, in the chair.
At roll call, the following were
noted absent. Secretary S. Morris.
The president stated in absence of the secretary
reading of the minutes were dispensed with.
The President stated that the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society
through their president has kindly refitted
and repainted the synagogue.
On motion, a vote of thanks be tendered
to the ladies of H.B.S. for their energetic
work and the same be transmitted
to the president Mrs. L. Elkus.
On motion, the congregation advertise
in the American Israelite for one month
for a minister (and preference will be given for one
who is a mohel). Minhag America
at $15.00 per annum. Carried.
On motion, a vote of thanks be given to
the ladies of the choir for participating
during the holidays.
The following bill were allowed
Western Hotel $28.00 Balance over $148.30
Advertising in papers .45 J.F. Cooper Organist 10.00
Pioneer Steam Carpet 12.40 M. Friedman 20.00
W. Ryder, carpenter [Note] 12.95 Rev. May for officiating holiday 110.00
Miss Siddons, sing in choir 15.00 Gas 3.00
M. Wilson, collecting & marriage 40.00
M. Wilson, cleaning & general 4.50 Total 288.30 [291.30]
N. Mohns 15.00
I. Lepar, glazing 5.00
Rev. May marriage fees 15.00
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