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Sacramento, April 29th, 1889

A special meeting of the board
of officers was held at 7 1/2 o'clock P.M.

Mr. L. Elkus president in the chair.
At roll call, a quorum being present
in absence of the secretary the president appointed Mr. Gratz
secretary pro tem.

The president stated the object of this
meeting is to consider the proposition
of Dr. Korn to fill the vacancy as
Rabbi of our congregation. After a long
discussion, it was moved and seconded
that Dr. Korn be accepted to fill the
vacancy. Motion lost.

In consideration of the fact that
Dr. Korn has been under expenses during
his stay with us and as much as he
came without invitation and asked to
be heard it was moved and carried that
the president be empowered to give him
$25.00 also to pay his board and lodging
up to this time he left.

There appearing no further
business, the meeting adjourned.

M. Gratz
Secretary pro tem

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