Sacramento, December 29th, 1889
Regular monthly meeting
was called at 11th A.M.
There being no quorum present,
and the following officers was noted
L. Elkus, President, J. Bories, Trustee,
and Messrs. Lubin, Gratz & B.U.
Steinman, school directors.
Following bills for the month of
December are as follows
Rev. J. Levy, salary $166.66
M. Wilson " 35.00
N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00
Prof. Kinross, organist 25.00
Alto singer 10.00
Capitol Gas Co. for gas 4.80
James McClatchy & Co. adv 1.68
J. Lewis, glazing 1.75 [Note]
Ch. Schmitt, printing 12 rec'd books 6.50
W. Fisher, bolts for the doors 1.00
James McCow, 1 cord of wood 9.00
M. Wilson, removing chandeliers and candles .75
Ryder Carpenter 1.50
Total $278.64
[Note: Lewis Jacob, glazier, 1884-5]
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