Sacramento, March 30th, 1890
A regular monthly meeting of the Board
of officers of C.B.I.
were held at 2 1/2 o'clock P.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair.
At roll call, the following were noted absent.
H. Weinstock, Vice President, and the school
directors Messrs. Lubin, Steinman and
The minutes of December 1th, 1889 was read
and approved.
The Secretary stated that on December 29th, 1889
there was no quorum present, and the
usual salary for the same months were
drawn. The Secretary also stated that
the President and Secretary was sick during
the months of January and February
and there was no monthly meeting held
and for these months. The usual salary
were drawn. On motion, their action
in regard of drawing salaries for the
above month were approved.
On motion, Messrs. Joseph Thieben and M.
Blum were elected to become member
of the congregation at $2.00 each.
The resignation of Mr. S. Loorya was
read and accepted.
The secretary stated that he received
from the president $213.00 net
proceeds of entertainment given for the benefit
of the Hebrew Sabbath School.
The secretary also received from the president
$25.00 marriage fees which
he paid the above sums to the
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