There appearing no further business, the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris Sec.
Sacramento, May 29th, 1889
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers of C.B.I was held at Mr. B. Kozminsky' office at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
Mr. M. Robertcheck, vice president, presiding.
All officers was noted present except Mr. L Elkus, President.
The minutes of last regular meeting was read and approved.
Resignation of Mr. B. Moose was read and on motion accepted.
A invitation of Rev. Dr. Bloch asking this board to be present at the examination of the confirmation class on Monday evening the 30th inst. at 7:30 P.M. was on motion accepted.
The picnic committee made their report and stated it is not advisable to have a picnic this year. On motion the report was received and comittee discharged.
On motion of Mr. Haines that $10.00 be appropriated to decorate the synagogue for Shavuot. Carried.
On motion the vice president be empowered to procure chairs for the choir.
On motion 3 more keys be procured for the cemetery and the keys be distributed 1 at the secretary office, 1 at Mr. M. Wilson and no keys be left out on the cemetery gate. Carried.
Committee on resolution to Mrs. Johana Marks made their report and on motion the be received, committee discharge and the resolution be spread on the minutes. Carried.
Whereas Mrs. Johana Marks has so generously assisted this congregation by liberal donations,
Therefore be it resolved that the thanks of the congregation are tendered to Mrs. Johana Marks.
Resolved that the foregoing be spread on the minutes and a copy thereof be engrossed [Note 1] and presented to Mrs. Johana Marks. Louis Elkus President L.J. Lithauer Louis Phillips Committee
The following bill was allowed Rev. Dr. J. Bloch salary for May and marriage fees $160.00 M. Wilson Collector and shamas " " 30.00 N. Mohn taking care of cemetery 15.00 Miss Wood singing in choir 5.00 Mrs. L.J. Lithauer for engrossing resolution 2.50 Otto Fleissman organist and extra service 29.00 S.Morris confirmation certificates & gold seals 3.40 Capitol Gas Co. for gas 5.60 Ross & Bauer, chiffonier and carpenter work 26.00 K. Phillips, 1 seal and engraving 8.00 Locke & Lavinson 1 frame cord & wood 3.00 L. L. Lewis & Co. taking down stove and [?Roble band] .95 -------------------------- Total $289.45 [288.45]
There appearing no further business the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris secretary
[Note 1: engrossed is archaic for produce (a legal document) in its final or definitive form] [Note 2: There is no p. 48 in the scan, but that page is blank in the original, so we did not bother to scan and add it.]
Sacramento, July 2, 1881
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on this date at Mr. Kozminsky's office.
The President Mr. L. Elkus presiding.
On roll call all Trustees were noted present excepting Mssrs. Weinstock, Lubin and Lithauer.
Minutes of last monthly meeting read and approved.
Mr. A. Hamburger, school trustee stated to the Board that the Rev. Dr. Bloch asked permission to have a private picnic for the Sabbath School children and their parents on the 16th of July. And also to have a vacation for the Sabbath school of 4 weeks.
On motion both requests were granted.
The President stated that the Rev. Dr. Bloch asked permission to leave the city on July 20 for a few days to perform a marriage ceremony out of town, and remain over Saturday.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried. Said leave of absence was granted.
The following bills were read and ordered paid.