Bills Rev. Dr. J. Bloch salary for June 150.00 Mr. N. Mohns -- attending to Burial Grounds 15.00 Mr. M. Wilson Collector 35.00 Miss Jennie Woods Choir singer 5.00 Mr. O. Flessner Organist and extra labor 24.00 Mr. W. C. Felch Insurance 22.50 Ross & Bauer Chairs and Carpentry 16.50 Daily Bee Advertising .75 Gas Co. 2.10 270.85 Benevolent Society 10.00 Total 280.85
Judge Haines moved the Trustees procure for use of synagogue choir. 3 Volumes of the Zimrat Yah and 2 volumes of Requiems. The motion was duly seconded and carried.
There appearing no further business to transact, the Board adjourned.
Respectfully, S. Morris LJL Secty.
Sacramento, July 31, 1881
A regular monthly meeting of the trustees of the synagogue, was held on this date at Mr. B. Kozminsky office at 10:30 AM.
A quorum being present, Mr. L.Elkus being in the chair called the meeting to order. Trustees J.S. Newmark and Mr. Block, S. Lavenson noted absent. Mr. Chas. Kauffman was elected a member of the congregation.
On motion duly seconded and carried the President appointed Messrs. M. Levy, L. Phillips and the Secty. a committee to inspect the books of the Treasurer and Secretary.
On motion duly seconded and carried, a vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Johanna Marks for the curtains for the ark. Presented by her to the Synagogue, and the Secretary be instructed to write to Mrs. Marks to that effect and spread a copy on these minutes.
On motion duly seconded and carried, the sum of twenty-five dollars was appropriated from the treasury to buy a present for the retiring Secty. Mr. S. Morris.
Messrs. Robertsheck and Phillips was appointed as a committee to purchase said present.
Bills -- Regular Rev. Dr. J. Bloch Salary July 150.00 Mr. N. Mohns Cemetery 15.00 Mr. M. Wilson Collector 35.00 Mr. Otto Fleissner Organist 20.00 Miss Jennie Woods Chorister 5.00 $225.00
Other Claims S. Morris Stationery 2.00 T.D. Services 2 Carriages 7.00 3 Volumes Zimrat Yah Bloch & Co. Cincinnati 18.15 2 " Requiem E. Lyon and Co. Calico 1.00 Capitol Gas Co. 3.85 Theo. W. Schramb Pictures 1.00 Donation, Present, S. Morris 25.00 Total $283.00
It was moved and seconded that a committee of two be appointed to act in conjunction with the Vice President to ascertain what is necessary in way of improvements at the cemetery. Said committee to have full power to act. Carried.
The President appointed Mr. M. Levy and the Secretary and the Vice President.
It was moved and seconded that the President and Vice President attend to fixing desk at synagogue. Carried.
No other business appearing to be transacted the President declared the meeting adjourned.
L.J. Lithauer Secretary