Copy of Communication to Mrs. Johanna Marks --
Sacramento, July 31th, 1881 Mrs. Johanna Marks City Dear Madam
The Board of Trustees of the Synagogue B'nai Israel at their regular monthly meeting held this day, by a unanimous vote instructed me to communicate with you, and to express to you, their sincerest thanks and through them for the Congregation for the very handsome curtains made by your hands to decorate the Ark in the synagogue and can assure you the same is appreciated as also all other donations already received. May you ever be animated by the same pure motives in assisting us in maintaining our house of worship and again expressing to you our thanks.
Remain yours Respect The Trustees per L. J. Lithauer Secretary
Sacramento, August 29, 1881
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on this date at Mr. B. Kozminsky store at 10:30 A.M.
A quorum being noted present. The President, Mr. L. Elkus called the meeting to order.
Trustees J. Newmark, L. Phillips and L.J. Lithauer were noted absent.
The President appointed Mr. B. Kozminsky Secty. pro tem.
Committee on improvements to cemetery reported progress.
Resignation of Jacob Ross as a member of synagogue read and accepted.
On motion duly seconded and carried, the President and Vice President were authorized to make required repairs in the synagogue.
The rules of order for use in the synagogue were read and adopted with corrections.
Bills regular Rev. Dr. J. Bloch, salary August 150.00 Mr. N. Mohns, taking care cemetery 15.00 " M. Wilson, collector 35.00 " O. Fleissner, organist 20.00 Miss Jennie Woods, chorister 5.00 225.00
Other claims Balance on Zimrat Yah S. Morris 2.30 N. Mohns, cemetery repairs 1. T. C. Churchman " " 2. Gas Co. 2.45 7.75 232.75
On motion, a special meeting of the Board of Synagogue Trustees was called for Sunday, Sept. 4 and the Rev. Dr. J. Bloch be invited to be present, and all members of the Board be notified to be present.
Nothing further appearing, the meeting adjourned by order of the President.
B. Kozminsky Secty pro tem