Sacramento, September 4, 1881
Special meeting at Mr. B Kozminsky at 8 P.M.
The President, L. Elkus in the Chair. All trustees present excepting Judge Haines.
The President stated to the Board that the meeting was called for the purpose of taking action in interring Mrs. Kayser who died this day.
It was moved and seconded that a plot in the cemetery be donated to bury deceased. Carried.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
L.J. Lithauer Secty.
Sacramento, September 25, 1881
A special meeting of the Board was held on this date at 4 P.M.
Vice President M. Robertscheck in the chair.
The Chair announced that this meeting was called for the purpose of taking action in the burial of the child. Mr. S. Dombrower.
It was moved by Judge G. Haines and seconded to donate a plot in our cemetery to Mr. Dombrower for his deceased child. Carried.
Nothing further appearing, the meeting adjourned.
L. J. Lithauer Secty.