Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 2: 1879-1890



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Sacramento, September 28, 1881

A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the synagogue was held at Mr. B. Kozminsky office at 4:30 P.M. Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair. Minutes of last regular and special meeting read and approved. All trustees noted present except Mr. L. Lavenson.

Resignation of Marks Levy as a member of the Congregation read and accepted.

Application of Mr. L. Dombrower to become a member of the Congregation was read, and on motion the applicant was duly elected.

The Vice President handed in 5.25 amount collected in charity box at cemetery.

The Vice President reported progress in cemetery repairs and stated he was going to get an estimate from contractors.

It was moved and seconded that the President be empowered to provide an assistant for the Rabbi on Yom Kippur Day. Carried.

Last edit 11 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel
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It was moved and seconded that the Rabbi of the congregation have nothing to do with the burial preparations of any deceased member of the congregation. Carried.

Trustee J.S. Newmark presented to the Synagogue some etrogim which he ordered for the Synagogue use.

The Bill of Scott and Muir was referred back to the President and Vice President.

Bills allowed

Rev. Dr. J. Bloch, Salary Sept. 150. Mr. N. Mohns, Cemetery 15. " M. Wilson Collector 35. " O. Fleissner Organist 25. Mrs. Jennie Woods Chorister 4.50 Gas Bill 4.20 S. Robertcheck " Keys & Decorations 3.45 Etrogen "Expressage" J.S. Newmark 45. 240.90 Scott & Muir Plumbing & Gas Fitting 18.11

Nothing further appearing, upon motion the President adjourned the meeting.

L. J. Lithauer Secty.

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Last edit 11 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel
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Last edit 11 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel
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Sacramento, October 30, 1881

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Congregation B'nai Israel was held at the above date at Mr. B. Kozminski's office at 10:30 A.M.

In the absence of the President the Vice President Mr. M. Robertscheck took the chair and called the meeting to order, a quorum being present.

On roll call all officers were noted present excepting Messrs. Lavenson, Block, and L. Elkus.

The following communications were then read.

From Mr. James L. Cohen to become a member of the Congregation with dues at 1.00 per month. Upon motion seconded and carried, the applicant was elected a member.

From Mr. Meyer Stein to become a member, with dues at 2.00 a month. On motion duly seconded, the applicant was elected a member.

The resignation of Messrs. A. Hamburger, Samuel Marks and S. Rothfeld in consequence of removing from the city were read and upon motion accepted.

Last edit 11 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel
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