Sacramento, November 21, 1881
An adjourned special meeting of the Board of officers was held at the above date at 7:45 P.M.
The President L. Elkus in the chair. All noted present on call excepting M. Block and L. Phillips.
The President reported that he had waited on the Ladies Benevolent Society and that they did not seem disposed to enter into the spirit of disposing of tickets for the Chanukah Festival.
It was moved by Mr. Kozminsky and seconded by Mr. S. Lavenson that the Rev. Dr. J. Bloch be asked to get up a Chanukah Festival, the same to take place in the Synagogue as the best he can for the instruction of the Sabbath School. Carried and the Secty. inform him of such action of the Board. Carried.
A Communication was read from the Rev. Dr. J. Bloch stating that the organist Mr. Fleissner, could not play on Thanksgiving Days services.
It was moved and seconded that as all the organists are engaged, that the services be conducted without choir and the Secty. inform the Rev. Dr. Bloch of such fact. Carried.
Nothing further appearing the meeting adjourned.
Sacramento, November 27, 1881
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on the above date.
A quorum being present, the President Mr. L. Elkus called the meeting to order.
Trustees J.S. Newmark, M. Block, B. Kozminsky, S. Lavenson noted absent.
A communication was received from the Rev. Dr. J. Bloch in which he stated that he had received a donation of $5.00 for the synagogue from Mr. Estell, Deputy Sheriff. [Note]
It was moved and seconded the five dollars be received and the Secretary be instructed to write Mr. Estell thanking him for the donation. Carried.
A communcation was received from Mr. O. Fleissner, organist, stating that he wanted his salary increased to $25.00 a month and holidays extra pay. Otherwise he wished his resignation accepted from January 1st.
It was moved and seconded that Mr. O. Fleissner resignation be accepted from January 1st and the Secretary inform of such fact. Carried.
[Note: A.H. Estell, Undersheriff, res. Capitol Hotel, 1880]
It was moved and seconded that the school directors look for more suitable quarters for the Sabbath School and report next meeting. Carried.
The following bills were allowed
Rev. Dr. J. Bloch salary November 150.00 M. Wilson collector November 35.00 N. Mohns cemetery November 15.00 O. Fleissner organist 25.00 Miss Jeannie Woods chorister 7.50 Charles Schmitt notices and voucher book 7.50 D. Gardner Wood 8.00 Gas bill 2.80 -------------- 250.80
Nothing further appearing the meeting adjourned.
L.J. Lithauer, Secretary