and the money handed over to the Treasurer. Carried.
Resignation of Mr. E. Elkus was read and on motion, the same was accepted.
No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec.
Sacramento, October 26th, 1879
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, President in the Chair. All officers was noted present except Mr. Hamburger and Newmark.
The minutes of last meeting was read and approved.
The Committee on Resolution reported they have draft a suitable resolution and presented the same to Miss Birnbrei. On motion, the report be received and committee discharge. Carried.
On motion of Mr. Haines, the Sec. be authorized to procure 4 blank book for music for Mr. Rand. Carried.
Report of School director Mr. Lavinson reported progress.
On motion of Mr. M. Levy the superintendent of cemetery be authorized to procure 3 chairs and drinking glasses for the cemetery. Carried.
On motion of Mr. Haines that the service on Friday night shall commence at 6 1/2 o'clock sharp
until February 1th, 1880, and the Sec. be instructed to notify Mr. Gerstman that when a officer is present and tell him to commence service he shall do so. Carried.
The following bills was read and ordered paid
N. Mohn taking care of cemetery $15.00 S. Morris expressage .45 G. Haines exchange on silver .70 L. Phillips paid delivery baggage [??cost] 1.00 M. Friedman salary as Shochet for the month September 20.00 M. Wilson for service as collector and marriage fees 30.00 L.L. Lewis & Co for shutting off the water 1.00 T.D. Scriver Carriage hire 4.00 Wilson " " 4.00 Rev. S. Gerstman by balance salary for October and marriage fees 85.00 Wm. G. Rand for salary as organist up to November 6th 15.00 76.15
No further business appearing the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec.
Sacramento, November 23th, 1879
A special meeting of the Board of Officers was held at 10 o clock A.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the Chair, all officers was noted present.
The President stated this meeting is called for that a Mrs. Antonia Berg died here in this city and has no relation here it is necessary to make arrangement for the funeral.
The President stated also that it is necessary to procure wood for the schoolroom.
On motion of Mr. Robertscheck the congregation furnished the ground and one carriage for burial purposes. Carried. On motion the whole subject matter about the funeral
was left to the Vice President. Carried.
On motion of Mr. Newmark the school directors be empowered to procure wood for the school. Carried.
No furthur business appearing, the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec.
Sacramento, November 30th, 1879
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 1/2 o clock A.M.
The President Mr. L. Elkus in the chair. All the officers was noted present except Mr. Joseph Newmark.
The minutes of the last monthly meeting and of the special meeting of November 23th was read and approved.
The resignation of Mr. A. Hyman was read and on motion accepted.
A communication of Rev. S. Gerstman was read in regard to lighting [??up] in the day time on Saturdays and other day when there is worship around the Ark in the Synagogue, was on motion, received and place on file.
On motion of Mr. B. Levy, the Sec. was instructed to notify Rev. S. Gerstman, that school must kept at all times in the Franklin Schoolhouse until further notice. Carried.
On motion of Mr. Hamburger, the Vice President be empowered to have necessary repairs, the north side door of the Synagogue
Basement. Carried.
The following bills was read and ordered paid. Judge Haines exchange on silver .75 H.S. Crocker and Co. for printing $3.50 John Skelton 1/2 cord wood 4.50 J.F. Toomey carriage hire 4.00 M. Wilson service as collector and marriage fees 30.00 N. Mohns service on cemetery 15.00 S. Morris 4 blank note book for choir 2.00 Wm. G. Rand organist salary 15.00 Rev. S. Gerstman salary and marriage fees 160.00 Mr. L. Elkus sundry bills 9.50 Capitol Gas Company from October 1st to December 9.60 Total $253.85 No further business appearing the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec.
Sacramento, December 28th, 1879
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 1/2 A.M. President L. Elkus in the chair. All officers was noted present except Mr. J. S Newmark, L. Phillips and M. Levy.
The minutes of the last meeting was read and approved.
The resignation of Mr. Bissinger and James Kolman was read and on motion accepted.
On motion of S. Morris, a committee of three be appointed to report at the next meeting to plan to get up a entertainment for the benefit of the congegration. Carried. The President appointed Mr. B. Levy, S. Morris and M. Robertscheck, on motion the President was added to the committee.
On motion of Mr. B. Levy the Vice President be empowered to have the railing outside the synagogue around the basement fixed. Carried.
The bill of H. Luft was laid over until next meeting.
The following bills was read and ordered paid Mrs. M. Maginness as janitor of school room one month and a half $7.50 Capitol Gas Company 3.20 To Wm. P. Rand as organist 15.00 " W. Mohn taking care of the cemetery 15.00 " M. Wilson collector 25.00 " L. L. Lewis & Co for stove and pipe and sundries 20.00 Rev. S. Gerstman salary 150.00 County Taxes 65.62 Total $301.32
No further business appearing The meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec
Sacramento, February 1th, 1880
A regular monthly meeting of the board of officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
The President Mr. L. Elkus in the Chair, all the officers was noted present.
The minutes of the last monthly meeting was read and approved.
A communication from Mr. B. Levy was read stating that he is leaving this city and resigns as a member of this board and also as a member of the Congregation B. I. Was on motion, accepted.