Sacramento, November 1th, 1886 Office of Judge Haines
A regular monthly meeting of the board of officer was held at 8 o'clock P.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, president, in the chair. At roll called, Messrs. S. Dombrower, M. Levy, B. Wilson and A. Dennery was noted absent.
The minutes of last meeting was read and approved. Mrs. I.H. Simon send her resignation which on motion was accepted.
The president stated that a Mrs. Jacobs of Woodland wishes to have buried her husband in the cemetery. On motion of Mr. B. Cohen that $50.00 be charged to Mrs. Jacobs for a single plot in the burial ground.
On motion of Mr. Robertscheck, a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr. Dombrower for officiating during the last holiday. Carried.
Following bills was allowed. Rev. G. Taubenhaus $125.00 Mr. M. Wilson 35.00 N. Mohns 15.00 J.F. Cooper 20.00 Gas 6.00 Hebrew B.S. 10.00 Wood chopping 16.00 D.W. Chamberlain Roof and housekeeping 6.60 D. Coppola gilding chandelier 3.00 S. Sinay 2 brooms .80 Total 237.40
Amount brought over 237.40 B. Cohen hanging curtains $ 1.50 S. Morris Adv. & Blank cards 1.20 Total 240.10
There appearing no further business the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Secretary
Sacramento, November 28th, 1886
In absent of the Secretary from the city there was no monthly meeting called, and the usual salary drawn. Gas Co.
Rev. G. Taubenhaus $125.00 M. Wilson 35.00 N. Mohns 15.00 J. F. Cooper 20.00 H. B. S. 10.00 Total $205.00 Gas 2.70 $207.70
S. Morris Secretary
Sacramento, December 12th, 1886
A special meeting was held in Judge Haines office at 10 o'clock A.M.
Mr. M. Robertscheck, Vice President, presiding.
At roll call, L. Elkus, President, B. Cohen, Treasurer, and Mr. A. Elkus, B. Wilson, School trustees was noted absent.
The President stated this meeting is called that a Mr. Landow living here in this city and that gentleman informed him that his son died and he is poor to buy a burying plot. On motion of Mr. M. Levy that this congregation donate Mr. Landow a plot in our cemetery. Carried.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris Secy
Sacramento, December 26th, 1886
A regular monthly meeting was called to order at 10 1/2 o'clock by the Vice President M. Robertscheck.
At roll call the following officers was noted absent. President L. Elkus, Trustees S. Dowbrower and School Directors B. Wilson, A. Elkus, and A. Dennery. There being no quorum present it was decided to hold adjourned meeting on Wednesday, December 29th at 8 o'clock P.M.
S. Morris Sec
Sacramento, December 29th, 1886
At adjourned meeting could not be held at the above date as the Secretary S. Morris and Trustee G. Woolf was only present.
The Sec. has drawn the usual monthly salary Rev. G. Taubenhaus $125.00 M. Wilson 35.00 N. Mohns 15.00 J. F. Cooper 20.00 Hebrew B. S. 10.00 State and County Taxes 30.00 Gas 3.60 $238.60