Sacramento, July 3th, 1887
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at the Synagoge at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M. Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair. At roll call, Mrss. A. Dennery, and B. Wilson was noted absent.
The minutes of the last 2 meetings was read. On motion of Mr. Robertscheck, approved.
Rev. G. Taubenhaus asked a vacation for one month and on motion the same was granted.
Resignation Mr. Marschutz was read from May 8th. Was on motion accepted.
Resignation from Mrs. T. Kozminsky was read from June 9th. On motion, the same accepted, and the Secy. was instructed to commucate with Mrs. Kozminsky that she is only entitled to 1 single burial plot when her husband is buried, and that she must vacate the adjoining plot.
Mr. Repinsky made application to become a member of congregation. On motion the gentleman was unanimously elected.
The following bills was allowed Rev. G. Taubenhaus $125.00 M. Wilson 35.00 N. Mohns 15.00 ______ 175.00
Amount brought over $175.00 J.F. Cooper 10.00 Capital Gas Co. 2.10 Rev. G. Taubenhaus Sabbath School Present and Confirmation certificates 7.00 Day & Joy Printing 2.25 [Note] S. Morris Sabbath School Card 3.00 Hebrew Benevolent Society 10.00 ______ Total $209.35
There appearing no further business the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Secretary
[Note: Fred W. Day and Fred H. Joy, practical printers, 1023 Eighth]
Sacramento, July 24th, 1887
The President L. Elkus and some other officers was absent from town. There was no meeting called, and the monthly bills was drawn.
Rev. G. Taubenhaus $125.00 M. Wilson 35.00 N. Mohns 15.00 Hebrew B.S. 10.00 L. Myer carriage hire 3.50 _______ $178.50 S. Morris, secretary
Sacramento, August 28th, 1887
The regular monthly meeting of Board of Officers was called at the synagouge at 10 1/2 o'clock. Mr. L. Elkus, President, presiding. At roll call, the following officers was noted absent. Vice President M. Robertscheck, Treasurer B. Cohen, Trustees S. Dombrower & G. Woolf, School Director A. Elkus, B. Wilson, and A. Dennery.
There being no quorum present, the President ordered the monthly bills paid.
Rev. G. Taubenhaus 125.00 M. Wilson 35.00 N. Mohns 15.00 Hebrew Benevolent Society 10.00 Gas Co. 1.80 J. F. Cooper 10.00 L. Myer carriage hire for funeral of Lewis 7.00 _______
Total 213.80 [$203.80] S. Morris, Secretary
Sacramento, September 26th, 1887
There was no meeting of the Board of Officers and the President ordered the following bills paid.
Rev. Dr. G. Taubenhaus, salary 125.00 " " " " wedding fee 10.00 M. Wilson, salary 35.00 " " wedding fees 10.00 N. Mohns 15.00 J.F. Cooper 10.00 Gas Co. Hebrew B.S. 10.00 Bee Office, for adv. 1.20 Record Union " " 1.20 Total 217.40
S. Morris, Sec.