Sacramento, October 30th, 1887
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M. at synagogue. Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair. At roll call, Messrs. J. Dombrower and L. Salomon was noted absent.
The minutes of the last regular meeting was read and approved.
Mr. I. Damilewitz applied to become a member of the congregation which, on motion, was elected. The resignation of Mr. A. Dennery was read and, on motion, the same was accepted.
On motion of Mr. Stein that all widows who has husbands buried in a double plot at the cemetery and resides away from Sacramento, and wish to retain that plot shall pay a monthly dues of one dollar. Carried.
On motion of Mr. B. Cohen, a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr. S. Dombrower for officiating during the last Holidays. Carried.
On motion of Mr. M. Wilson, a committee of 3 be appointed to draft a suitable resolution in honor to Mr. M. Robertcheck, the last Vice President, and presented to him. The President appointed Messrs. Wilson, B. Cohen, and Marcus Levy. The resolutions are as follow
In Respect.
Sacramento City, Cal
At a meeting of the Board of Officers of the Congregation B.I. held October 30th, '88 the following resolutions were adopted.
Whereas our Brother, M. Robertscheck, has graced the chair of Vice President in our congregation for several years, and faithfully discharge the duties and creditably upheld the sanctity of the sacred office.
Resolved that we highly appreciate what the Brother has done, as an officer of our congregation, in the interest of the Jewish community of this city.
Resolved that we deeply regret that he had to decline the reelection for another term, on account of sickness, that we pray to the Almighty that he may speedily send the blessed minister of safe cure and restore the sick brother to his former strength and usefulness.
Resolved that this resolution be spread on the minutes, and of them, presented to the Brother as a slight token and weak expression of our esteem and gratitude.
Signed, M. Wilson, Marcus Levy, L. Cohen, Committee
The president stated that Mr. G. Woolf a member of this board died.
And Messrs. M. Wilson, Markus Levy and B. Cohen appointed to draft suitable resolution.
On motion of Mr. Markus Levy that the president be empowered to have the entrance of the cemetery filled in. Carried.
The following bills was allowed
Rev. Taubenhaus $125.00 M. Wilson 35.00 N. Mohns 15.00 J.F Cooper 10.00 Gas Co. Hebrew Benevolent Society 10.00 Wilson for making a table 1.50
There appearing no further business the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Secretary
Sacramento, September 30th, 1889 [1888]
The regular meeting of the board of officers was held at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, president, in the chair. At roll call, the following were noted absent. Secretary S. Morris.
The president stated in absence of the secretary reading of the minutes were dispensed with.
The President stated that the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society through their president has kindly refitted and repainted the synagogue. On motion, a vote of thanks be tendered to the ladies of H.B.S. for their energetic work and the same be transmitted to the president Mrs. L. Elkus.
On motion, the congregation advertise in the American Israelite for one month for a minister (and preference will be given for one who is a mohel). Minhag America at $15.00 per annum. Carried.
On motion, a vote of thanks be given to the ladies of the choir for participating during the holidays.
The following bill were allowed Western Hotel $28.00 Balance over $148.30 Advertising in papers .45 J.F. Cooper Organist 10.00 Pioneer Steam Carpet 12.40 M. Friedman 20.00 W. Ryder, carpenter [Note] 12.95 Rev. May for officiating holiday 110.00 Miss Siddons, sing in choir 15.00 Gas 3.00 M. Wilson, collecting & marriage 40.00 M. Wilson, cleaning & general 4.50 Total 288.30 [291.30] N. Mohns 15.00 I. Lepar, glazing 5.00 Rev. May marriage fees 15.00 $148.30
There appearing no further business, the meeting adjourned.
M. Wilson, Secretary, pro tem