Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 2: 1879-1890





Sacramento, September 29th, 1889

A regular monthly meeting of the board of officers was held at 10 A.M. Mr. L. Elkus President in the chair. At roll call Messrs. D. Lubin and B. Steinman was noted absent. The minutes of special meeting was read and approved.

Mr. Wasserman stated that in the absent of the president and vice president at the death of Mr. S. Dombrower, he procured Rev. Falk Vidawer from S.F. to officiate at the funeral and the expenses was $25.00 for the Rev. and 25 cents for telegram. On motion that the action of Mr. Wasserman was approved of.

The secretary stated that on New Years Day, varied members of C.G. made offerings in the sum of $25.00 to Rev. Joseph Levy. The secretary was instructed to draw a warrant for the above amount and charge the members with the amount.

On motion of Mr. Wasserman that we allowed Rev. Levy his salary from the first of September. Carried.

On motion a special committe consisting of the president and vice president be appointed to get new members. Carried.

On motion, a special meeting be called of the congregation on next Sunday at 2 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of paying Rev. Levy his traveling expenses. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Wasserman that service on Friday evening be held at 7 1/2 o'clock. Amendment was made to 8 o'clock, the amendment

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was lost and the original motion, it was carried.

On motion of Mr. Weinstock that a lock be procured to lock the south door during the lecture and the north door be kept open so whoever comes during the lecture must be seated near the door. Carried.

On Motion the secretary was instructed to inform Rev. Levy to prepare a suitable Friday evening service, and submit for approval of the board. Carried.

The following bills was allowed Rev. Joseph Levy salary for Sept. $166.66 " '' " offering from members 25.00 Rev. F. Vidower for officiating at funeral of Dombrower 25.25 L. Elkus present bought for Miss Alb. Elkus 22.50 L. Elkus for telegrams 4.30 M. Wilson salary 35.00 N. Mohns taking care of cemetery 15.00 Ch. Schmitt printing 1.00 Bee advertising .47 Record Union advertising .35 Mitchel and Wilson 2 carriages for funeral of Dombrower 7.00 --------------- Total $ 302.57 [$302.53]

There appearing no further business the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris Secretary

Last edit 10 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, November 3th, 1889

The Monthly Meeting of the Board of Officers was held at 2 1/2 o'clock P.M.

Mr. L. Elkus President in the chair. At Roll Call the following Officers was noted absent. M. Hirsch, Trustee, and B.U. Steinman, School Director.

The President ordered that a fine of $1.00 each be entered against them.

The Minutes of last regular meeting were read, and amended that in place of the original motion to commencing Friday evening service the amendment was adopted, so to read that service should commence at 8 o'clock P.M.

The Special committee on Soliciting Member their report as follow [Note]

A.E. Alexander from Auburn at 2.00 per month A. Bonnheim $5.00 Ch. Barnes $2.00 M. Cohn 2.00 A. Dennery 2.00 H. DeYoung 1.00 E.S. Elkus 1.50 M. Ginsberg 1.00 L. Goldstein 2.00 H. Hyam 2.00 Ch. Jacobs 3.00 M.S. Lavinson 1.00 Geo. Lavinson 1.00 Jac. Lewis 2.00 Julius Lewis 1.00 A. Lewis 1.00 Montour 1.00 Henry Nathan 1.00 Ed I. Nathan 1.00 L. Price 1.00 J. Pulvermacher 2.00 Nat Riss 1.00 A.J. Steinman 2.00 E. Solomon 1.00 Total New Members 24 Amount $39.50 On motion the the above gentleman were elected unanimously.

The same committee made report in regard to the members who are willing to raise their dues.

J. Asher to $3.00 S. Coney to $3.00 I. Cohen to $3.00 L. Elkus to $10.00 A. Elkus $3.00 Jacob Gattman 4.00 S. Ginsberg. 3.00 H. Ginsberg 2.00 J. Ginsberg 2.00 S. Gerson 3.00 M. Gratz 2.00 L. Heilbron 3.00 I. Joseph 2.00 Morris Levy 2.50 M. Litzberg 3.00 D. Lubin 15.00 S. Lavinson 5.00 G. Lavinson 3.00

[Note: The names in both lists were cross-checked with the 1927 Reinhart history of B'nai Israel. We corrected the spellings of the names to match spellings in that document.]

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S. Loorya to $2.00 H. Marks Sr. $2.50 H. Marks Jr. 4.00 A. Nathan 2.50 S. S. Nathan 3.00 S.G. Nathan. 3.00 L. Phillips 4.00 G. Politz 4.00 O. Ross. 2.50 E. Steinman. 2.00 B.U. Steinman 5.00 M. Stein 3.00 L. Soloman 2.50 S. Wasserman 5.00 H. Weinstock 15.00 M. Wilson 3.00 B. Wilson 3.00 Ch. Zimer. 2.00 S. Zimer 2.00 N. Zemansky 4.00 Total 38 members who raised their dues from $77.00 to $146.50, a gain of $77.50.

Total members up to date 107 with a income of $255.55 per month.

The same committee made another report that they have collected a subscription for defraying traveling expenses from the following gentleman.

D. Lubin $100.00 H. Weinstock. $100.00 A. Bonnheim 25.00 L. Elkus 25.00 S. Lavinson 10.00 N. Zemansky 20.00 B.U. Steinman 20.00 Gus Lavinson 5.00 D. Harris 10.00 J.S. Gattmann 10.00 B. Wilson 5.00 S.G. Nathan 5.00 H. Marks Sr. 5.00 S. Gerson 10.00 Total $350

The president reported he received $25.00 marriage from Mr. Fisher.

The resignation of Mr. Ch. P. Nathan was read and on motion the same was accepted.

Mr. D. Lubin, chairman of the school board reported in regard to the Hebrew School progress, and want rules and governing the same. On motion the school board be authorized to make a set of Rules and Regulations as they think the best. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Wasserman that a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr. H. Weinstock for his effort in bringing Rev. Joseph Levy to this city. Carried.

[Note: The names in both lists were cross-checked with the 1927 Reinhart history of B'nai Israel. We corrected the spellings of the names to match spellings in that document.]

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On motion of Mr. Weinstock that a bulletin board be procured and place it in the entry to put on different notices. Carried.

The president appointed Mr. Weinstock to have one made.

Mr. Lubin stated it is necessary to put carpets in the gallery. On motion, the same was ordered done, and the president appointed Mr. Lubin to attend to the same.

The President stated that he drawed during recess for Rev. Joseph Levy one thousand dollar traveling expenses. On motion the same was approved. He also stated that he has drawn $45.00 for organist and choir, the same was also approved.

The secretary was instructed to put notice every week in the Record Union and Bee when service will commence on Friday evening.

The following bills were allowed Rev. Joseph Levy. traveling expenses $1,000.00 Rev. Joseph Levy, salary 166.66 Rev. Joseph Levy, marriage fees & offerings. 15.00 M. Wilson, salary & marriage fees & sundries 40.75 N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00 Pacific Stable 1.50 L. K. Hammer Music and repairing organ 12.75 Valley Prep, printing notices 1.25 Record Union advertising .45 Capitol Gas Co. 8.40 W.H. Kinross salary 25.00 [Note] Record Union in advance 1.00 M. Friedman officiating during holiday 25.00 W.H. Kinross for music and salary for Sept. 45.00 [Note] Total $1357.76

There appearing no further business the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris Secretary

[Note: for more information on W.H. Kimross:, see:]

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