Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 2: 1879-1890





The proposition of Mr. L. Harris and Mr. Jacob Markowitz was read and on motion, Mr. Harris and Mr. Markowitz was elected members of the Congregation.

The committee on entertainment reported as follows: Mr. Elkus recommend a ball, and Mr. Robertscheck and Morris recommend a entertainment and ball. On motion, the report was received and committee discharged. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Haines, a ball shall be given for the benefit of the Congregation on February 26th, 1880. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Phillips the price of tickets be fixed at $1.00, gentlemans and ladys. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Newmark, a committee of 5 to be appointed the (President shall be one of this committee) with full power to act to make arrangement for the ball. Carried. The President appointed L. Elkus, J. S. Newmark, Mr. Robertscheck, S. Morris, and L. Phillips.

The following bills was allowed. Mrs. Maginness as janitor for school $5.00 Rev. S. Gerstman salary 150.00 H. Luft roof repairing 5.00 W. Snarr repairing wall 5.00 Locke & Lavinson sundries 2.50 H. S. Crocker printing rec'd 12 books 6.00 Capitol Gas Company 2.10 W. F. Frazer Lumber for cemetery 3.00 Wm. L. Rand organist 15.00 M. Wilson as collector 25.00 Abrams and Taney gates for basement 8.00 N. Mohn taking care of cemetery 15.00 Total $241.60

No further business appearing The meeting adjourned.

S. Morris, Sec.

Last edit 7 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, February 28th, 1880

A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.

The President Mr. L. Elkus in the Chair. All the officers was noted present. The minutes of the last monthly meeting was read and approved.

The resignation of Mr. Wm. Wilson and also of Mr. H. Taubenheimer was on motion accepted.

On motion of Mr. Newmark, a vote of thanks be tendered through the Daily Papers to the volunteers, ladys and gentlemen who has taken part at the Entertainment for the benefit of Congregation B'nai Israel. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Robertcheck, the secretary be instructed to send a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Elkus for thy energy in making a success at the entertainment. Carried.

The following bills was allowed Rev. S. Gerstman salary for the month of February $150.00 Mrs. Maginess taking care of school room 5.00 M. Wilson collector & sundries 25.75 N. Mohns taking care of cemetery 15.00 W. Rand organist 15.00 Gas 2.80 Total $213.55

No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris, Sec

Last edit 7 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, April 4th, 1880

A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.

The Vice President, Mr. M. Robertscheck in the chair. All officers was noted present, except Mr. L. Elkus, the President, who came after when the board was in session.

The minutes of last monthly meeting was read and approved.

The secretary reported that Miss Rachel Kohl [Note 1] made a donation of $90.00 to the Congregation B'nai Israel, and also received $25.00 from Mr. L. Elkus. Marriage fees from Mr. J. S. Gattmann [Note 2] and handed over to the treasurer.

On motion of Judge Haines, a committee of 3 be appointed to draft suitable testimonial and present the same to Miss Rachel Kohl. Carried. The President appointed Mr. Lavenson, Judge Haines and Mr. L. Phillips.

The resignation of Mr. K. Hyman [Note 3] was read and on motion accepted.

The following proposition was read from Mr. I. Lewis, Moses Levy, and B. Dennery to become a member of Congregation B. I. was on motion, accepted. The following bills was allowed. Rev. S. Gerstman salary and marriage fees for March $160.00 M. Wilson salary and marriage fees 30.00 N. Mohns taking care of cemetery 15.00 W. J. Rand organist 15.00 A. Dennery & Co / box tapers .65 Whittier, Fuller & Co / looking glass 2.00 Gas Co 2.45 Total $225.10

[Note 1: Miss R. Kohl, dressmaker] [Note 2: Julius S. Gattmann, salesman with Rothfeld Bros.] [Note 3: K. Hyman, watches & jewelry, 404 J St.]

Last edit 7 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


No further business appearing The meeting adjourned.

S. Morris, Sec

Sacramento, April 25th, 1880

A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 a clock A.M.

Mr. M. Robertscheck, Vice President in the Chair.

All officers was noted present, except the President, Mr. L. Elkus.

The minutes of the last monthly meeting was read and approved.

Mr. J. Bennett make application to become a member of the Congregation and wishes to pay monthly dues of one dollar.

On motion, the application was received and Mr. Bennett was elected a member of the congregation.

On motion of Judge Haines, the sum not to exceed $5.00 be approved to decorate the synagogue on Shavuot. Carried.

The following bills was allowed. Rev. S. Gerstman salary for the month of April $150.00 Wm J. Rand organist " " " " " 15.00 M. Wilson collector " " " " " 25.00 N. Mohns taking care of cemetery " " 15.00 Capitol Gas Co 1.75 City Taxes 94.00 Total $300.75

No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris, Sec

Last edit 7 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, May 29th, 1880

A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.

Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair.

All officers was noted present except Mr. Haines, Newmark and Phillips.

The minutes of last monthly meeting was read and approved.

On motion of Mr. Lavenson, Mr. Jacob Korn be elected a member of this congregation and the secretary instructed to notify of his election.

The resignation of Mr. Phil C. Cohen [Note] on account of his leaving the city was on motion. Accepted.

The following bills was allowed Rev. S. Gerstman salary for the month of May $150.00 " " " marriage fees 10.00 M. Wilson salary for the month of May 25.00 " " marriage fees 5.00 " " for decorating the Synagogue 5.00 N. Mohns taking care of the cemetery 15.00 Wm J. Rand organist 15.00 Capitol Gas Company 2.80 Abrams & Co. Carpentry 1.25 Total 229.05

No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

S.Morris, Sec

[Note: Philip Cohen, Glazier, 1526 5th]

Last edit 7 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel
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