Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 2: 1879-1890





Sacramento, December 1th, 1889

A regular monthly meeting of the board of officers of C.B.I. were held at 11 o'clock A.M. Mr. L. Elkus, president, presiding. At roll call, Messrs. D. Lubin and B.U. Steinman were noted absent.

The minutes of last regular meeting was read and approved.

Messrs. Landow and Frank desires become member of this congregation at $1.00 per month. On motion, both gentleman were elected unanimously.

Mr. Blum who was elected a member last meeting refuse to pay his dues and don't wish to be a member. On motion his name was stricken from the roll of members.

The secretary stated that he has no more rec'd books. On motion he was authorized to have same made.

The secretary reported that the president paid $25.00 marriage fees from Mr. Binder.

On motion of Mr. Wasserman that the president be empowered to engage a alto singer not to exceed $10.00 per month.

The president appointed Mr. Gratz as usher and he has power to appoint a assistance.

The president stated that Mr. Wilson ask more salary. On motion the secretary be instructed

Last edit 10 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


The following monthly bills were allowed Rev. Jos. Levy, salary & marriage fees $176.66 M. Wilson " " " 40.00 Kinross salary 25.00 N. Mohns taking care of cemetery 15.00 M. Wilson brooms & hatchet 1.35 County taxes 60.00 Gas 4.20 S. Morris stationery 2.45 Carle & Croly bulletin board 1.50 [Note 1] W. D. Comstock shelves 2.25 [Note 2] H.C. Chipman painting board 1.00 [Note 3] Chamberlin & Co. setting up stove 1.50 Miss Gerrish organist 5.00 [Note 4] Alto singer 10.00 ______ 345.91 There appearing no further business

S. Morris Secretary

[Note 1: Carle A. Croly, Contractor and Builder, Sacramento Daily Union, 1892] [Note 2: W.D. Comstock, furniture, upholstery & bedding, 1895 city directory] [Note 3: Calvyn & Chipman, sign painters, 1880] [Note 4: Gerrish, Gertrude Miss, music teacher, 1517 G, 1895]

Last edit 10 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, December 29th, 1889

Regular monthly meeting was called at 11th A.M. There being no quorum present, and the following officers was noted absent: L. Elkus, President, J. Bories, Trustee, and Messrs. Lubin, Gratz & B.U. Steinman, school directors.

Following bills for the month of December are as follows Rev. J. Levy, salary $166.66 M. Wilson " 35.00 N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00 Prof. Kinross, organist 25.00 Alto singer 10.00 Capitol Gas Co. for gas 4.80 James McClatchy & Co. adv 1.68 J. Lewis, glazing 1.75 [Note] Ch. Schmitt, printing 12 rec'd books 6.50 W. Fisher, bolts for the doors 1.00 James McCow, 1 cord of wood 9.00 M. Wilson, removing chandeliers and candles .75 Ryder Carpenter 1.50 Total $278.64

[Note: Lewis Jacob, glazier, 1884-5]

Last edit 10 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, March, 1890

As the President and Sec. has been sick during the months of January & February, there was no monthly meeting of the Board of Officers and the following bills was drawn.

For the month ending January, 1890 M. Wilson, collection and marriage fees $40.00 N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00 Rev. J. Levy, salary 166.66 Prof. Kinross, salary 25.00 Capitol Gas Co. 3.90 Total 250.56

For the month ending February, 1890 Prof. Kinross, salary 25.00 Miss Pullman, salary for the months of Jan & Feb 20.00 Rev. J. Levy, salary & marriage fees 176.66 M. Wilson, collector 35.00 Capitol Gas Co. 4.20 Woodson Brothers, printing programs 13.75 [Note] Total 274.61

[Note: Woodson Bros (F. M. Woodson), Job Printers, 511 K]

Last edit 10 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, March 30th, 1890

A regular monthly meeting of the Board of officers of C.B.I. were held at 2 1/2 o'clock P.M. Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair. At roll call, the following were noted absent. H. Weinstock, Vice President, and the school directors Messrs. Lubin, Steinman and Gratz.

The minutes of December 1th, 1889 was read and approved.

The Secretary stated that on December 29th, 1889 there was no quorum present, and the usual salary for the same months were drawn. The Secretary also stated that the President and Secretary was sick during the months of January and February and there was no monthly meeting held and for these months. The usual salary were drawn. On motion, their action in regard of drawing salaries for the above month were approved.

On motion, Messrs. Joseph Thieben and M. Blum were elected to become member of the congregation at $2.00 each.

The resignation of Mr. S. Loorya was read and accepted. The secretary stated that he received from the president $213.00 net proceeds of entertainment given for the benefit of the Hebrew Sabbath School.

The secretary also received from the president $25.00 marriage fees which he paid the above sums to the treasurer.

Last edit 10 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel
Displaying pages 246 - 250 of 273 in total