Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 2: 1879-1890





The following bills were allowed Rev. Jos. L. Levy, salary $ 166.66 [100?] M. Wilson " 35.00 N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00 Prof. Kinross, organist 25.00 Miss Pullman, alto singer 10.00 Gas Co., for gas 4.20 Sac Glass Co. present for Miss Ginsberg 17.25 Sunday School party 13.00 Sunday School books 17.25 Telegraphing for books 1.30 Brush ink & sundries 1.65 Sac Bee for advertising .60

Total $326.91 [$306.91]

There appearing no further business, the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris Secretary

Last edit 10 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, April 22th, 1890

A special meeting of the board of officers were held at 7 1/2 o'clock P.M.

At roll call, the following officers were noted absent. H. Weinstock, Vice President, S. Morris, Secretary and B. Steinman, school director.

The president stated this meeting was called for that he received notice that some plaster of the ceiling in the synagogue came came down and it is necessary to take action to have the same repaired. On motion, the president was authorized to have the rest of the ceiling and walls examined and have the same repaired at a cost not to exceed $60.00

There appearing no further, meeting on motion the board adjourned.

M. Gratz Secretary pro tem

Last edit 10 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, April 27th, 1890

A regular monthly meeting of Board of Officers was held at 2 1/2 o'clock P.M. Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair. At roll call, the following officers were noted absent. H. Weinstock, Vice President, S. Wasserman, Treasurer, and the school directors Messrs. B.U. Steinman, D. Lubin, and M. Gratz.

There being no quorum present a informal meeting was held and the President and Secretary was authorized to draw the following bills.

Rev. J.L. Levy, salary $166.66 M. Wilson, " for collector 15.00 Prof. Kinross, as organist 25.00 Miss Pullman, alto singer 10.00 Capitol Gas Co. for gas 2.40 City Taxes 61.60 Sac Bee, advertising 1.03 " Record Union .80 Rev. Levy, for envelopes, stamps, and chalk .90 Woodson Bros, printing 145 program 0 5.00 S. Morris, 29 blank book for Hebrew School & 15 Adv. 1.60 Chamberline & Co., repairing roof 25.00 J. Miller, Undertaker, for burying [Landow's??] child 27.00 S. Morris, advertising May 1th .35 Total $376.41 [$377.34 ?]

Last edit 10 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, June 1th, 1890

A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at 10 o'clock A.M. Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair. At roll call the following officers were noted absent. Mr. H. Weinstock, Vice President, M.H. Hirsch, Trustee and B.U. Steinman, School Director.

The minutes of March 30th and April 26th was read and approved. The resignation of Mr. Ch. Jacobs was read and on motion accepted.

The following bills were allowed Rev. Jos. L. Levy salary $ 166.66 M. Wilson 35.00 N. Mohn taking care of cemetery 15.00 Prof. Kinross, organist 25.00 Miss Pullman alto singer in choir 10.00 Crutch & Lyman repairing gas fixtures 1.00 D.J. Mannix repairing ceiling 50.00 [Note] Filch & Cooley insurance 22.25 M. Wilson brooms & lemonade & divider 4.50 Locke & Lavinson hanging curtains & plaster 8.00 Capital Gas Co. for gas 1.20 Advertising in Record Union & bill .95 Rev. J.L. Levy advance for Passover entertainment 20.00 Woodson Bros. printing 10.00 ------------- Total $ 369.56

There appearing no further business the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris Secretary

[Note: Mannix, Dennis J., plastering contr., 2215 O]

Last edit 10 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, June 29th, 1890

A regular monthly meeting of Board of Officers at C.B.I was held at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M. At roll call, the following officers were noted absent. Mr. W. Weinstock, Vice President, D. Lubin, B.U. Steinman and M. Gratz, School Board. A quorum being present the minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Application of Mr. Myer Clark was read and on motion, the gentleman was elected a member of this congregation at $1.00 per month.

The resignation of Mr. M. Kohn was read and motion it was accepted as he paid up to date.

A commnication of Rev. J.L. Levy, asking for a vacation. On motion, a vacation was granted to the Rev. gentleman from the 15th of July to 22th of August, carried.

The President stated that the roof of the synagogue needs painting, on motion, the President was authorized to have the same painted when he thinks it is necessary.

The following bills were allowed: Rev. J.L. Levy, salary $166.66 M. Wilson, " 35.00 N. Mohns, care of cemetery 15.00 Prof. Kinross, organist 25.00 Miss Pullman 10.00 Capitol Gas Co. for gas 1.80 253.46

Amount brought over $225.46 Bloch Publ. Co. for books 27.65 Rev. Levy, for Mr. Dinsmore 3.50 M. Zeibel 1.50 Total 258.11

Last edit 10 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel
Displaying pages 251 - 255 of 273 in total