Sacramento, June 22th, 1880
A special meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 8 o'clock P.M.
Mr. M. Robertcheck, Vice President in the chair.
Mssrs. Robertcheck, Hamburger, Lubin, Philips, Lithauer [Note], Levy and Morris was noted present.
Mssrs. Elkus, Haines, and Weinstock was noted absent.
The President stated that this meeting was called to make arrangements for advertising for a minister. On motion of Mr. Hamburger, the secretary be instructed to advertise for one month in each of The Hebrew Observer, San Francisco, The Jewish Messenger, New York, and in The American Israelite, Cincinnati. Carried.
On motion of Mr. Philips, the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec
[Note: L.J. Lithauer, clothing & Furnishing goods, 418 J]
Sacramento, June 27th, 1880
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
Mr. L.Elkus, President presiding.
All officers was noted present except Mr. Lubin and Weinstock.
The minutes of last regular meeting and also the minutes of special meeting from June 22th was read and approved.
The President appointed Mssrs. Philips, Lithauer and Hamburger to examine the books of the secretary and treasurer.
The secretary was instructed to notify Rev. S. Gerstman that his office as minister for Congregation B'nai Israel expires with the 31th of August, 1880.
The following bills was allowed: Rev. S. Gerstman salary for June $150.00 M. Wilson, collector " " " 25.00 W. J. Rand organist " " 15.00 N. Mohns taking care of the cemetery 15.00 Capitol Gas Co 1.40 Brown for engraving testimonial 2.50 Total $208.90 S. Morris advertising 1.40 Total 210.30
There appearing no further business, the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec
Sacramento, July 25th, 1880
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, president, presiding.
All officers were noted present except Mr. Weinstock.
The minutes of last regular meeting were read and approved.
The Finance committee reported they have examined the books of the secretary and find them correct. On motion the report was adopted.
Mr. B. Lasky and A. Lyon made application to become a member of this congregation. On motion the application was received and the above gentleman was elected members of this congregation. The resignation Mr. B. Katschinski was read and on motion the same was accepted.
A comunication from Mr. Rand in regard to raising his salary was laid over until the special meeting of the congregation.
On motion the secretary was instructed to communicate with Rev. Loewenthal if he is willing to accept $200 for officiating during the entire holiday and to subject of the approval of the congregation. Carried.
The following bills was allowed Jewish Messenger for Advertising $ 6.00 M. Wilson as collector 25.00 Rev. S. Gerstman Salary for July 150.00 W. J. Rand as organist 15.00 N.Mohn Taking care of cemetery 15.00 Gas bill 1.40 W. C. Felch for insurance [Note] 22.50 ----------- Total $ 234.90
There appearing no further business the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Secretary
Sacramento, August 11th, 1880
A special meeting of the board of officers was held at Judge Haines office at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, president, presiding. All officers was noted present except Mr. Lubin.
The president stated that this meeting is called to action in regard of choir and organist.
On motion Mr. Weinstock and Lithauer were added to the committee on choir. Carried.
On motion in regard to Mr. Rand, it be left with President with full power to act. Carried.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Secretary.
[Note: W.C. Felch, Insurance Agent, 1013 4th]
Sacramento, August 29th, 1880
A regular monthly meeting of the board of officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, president, in the chair. All officers was noted present except Mr. Lubin and Weinstock.
The minutes of last regular and special meeting from August 11th was read and approved.
Application from Mr. Wm. Price to become a member of this congregation was read and on motion, application was received and Mr. Price was elected member of this congregation.
The resignation of Mr. S . Harris was read and on motion was accepted.
Communication of Mr. Gerstman was read and on motion the communication was laid on the table.
On motion of Mr. Robertcheck an order be drawn on the treasurer for $11.50 due Mr. Gerstman and the secretary be instructed to deduct $5.25 what is due to the sec. and the balance deduct for the music what belong to the congregation which Mr. Gerstman took away with him, and the sec was further instructed to notify him of this action.
A communication of Mr. Kaiser from Baltimore was read stating that Mr. Gerstman ordered from him music books and he has sent same by express C.O.D. to Gerstman which he refused to accept it, and Mr. Kaiser