wish this congregation to purchase the music.
On Motion of Mr. Lithauer the Sec was instructed to notify Mr. Kaiser that this cong. did not authorized Mr. Gerstman to order any music, and we can't purchase the same.
Mr. M. Wilson was present and desires to make a request in regard the Synagogue, was on Motion granted.
Mr. Wilson stated that the chandelier was not in good order and also the oilcloth in the entry was worn out and difficult repair must be made.
On Motion the Vice President be authorized to have the chandelier put in good order. Carried.
On motion Mr. Wilson was allowed to put the Synagogue in good order and the Cong. will pay for the same. Carried.
On motion, the service for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at 6 1/2 o'clock P. M and and 9 o'clock A.M. Carried.
On motion the price of seats for nonmembers be $5.00 and $2.50 and the sec. be instructed to advertise in Record, Union, and Bee for 2 days that seats can be procured at the sec. place until 2 o'clock P.M. on Sunday, September 5th and no seats will be sold at the door.
The following bills was allowed Rev. Mr. Gerstman salary for August $150.00 " " " for Fixing Platform Pulpit & etc. $11.50 Mr. Rand salary as organist $15.00 N. Mohns taking care of Cemetery $15.00 ______ $191.50
Amount brought over $191.50 M. Wilson for collector and sundries 25.50 Wm. Eberhardt repairing 2 horns .50 Hebrew Observer advertising 6.00 S. Morris stamps & stationery 1.40 Gas Company 2.45 Total $227.35
There appearing no further business, the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec
Sacramento, September 26th, 1880
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, President in the chair.
Messrs. Robertcheck, Vice President, S. Morris, Sec. G. Haines, Treas. and Mr. Hamburger and Levy was noted present. Messrs. L. Phillips, D. Lubin, H. Weinstock and Lithauer was noted absent.
The minutes of last regular meeting was read and approved.
The following bills was allowed Otto Fleissner organist $30.00 M. Wilson collector and sundries 27.25 H. Fincher dinner for choir 4.00 J. Ginsberg, glazing 3.50 Scott & Main gas fixtures 1.50 Gas Co. for gas 5.95 A.M. Smith 1 glass globe .75 72.95
Amount brought over $72.95 N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00 S. Morris, advertising & sundries 2.05 Rev. Loewenthal, salary up to September 29th 200.00 Miss Wood, singing in choir 10.00 Miss Logan, " " " 10.00 L. Elkus, sundries 7.50 Total $317.50
There appearing no further business The meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec
Sacramento, October 31th, 1880
A regular monthly meeting of the board of officers was held at Judge Haines office at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.
Mr. L.Elkus, President in the Chair. All the officers was noted present except the Vice President, Mr. Robertcheck.
The minutes of the last regular monthly meeting was read and approved.
Application of Mr. J.M. Gattman to become a member of this congregation was read and on motion, the application received and Mr. Gattman elected a member of this congregation.
Mrs. J. Markowitz send notice that she is not able to pay $2.00 per month dues and is willing to pay $1.00 monthly dues, on motion, Mrs. Markowitz be retained a member at $1.00 monthly dues.
The following bills was allowed M. Wilson, salary for October $25.00 N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00 American Israelite advertising 6.00 46.00
Amount brought over $46.00 J. Domingos [Note 1), fixing book case 6.00 B. Cohen for oilcloth & sundries 11.75 Churchman [Note 2], fitting pump 1.25 Hawley & Co., padlock for cemetery .75 Total $65.75
There appearing no further business the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec.
Sacramento, November 1th, 1880
A special meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 7 o'clock P.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair. All officers was noted present except Mr. G. Haines.
The president stated that the secretary received a dispatch from Rev. J. Bloch in regard to traveling expenses, and want a answer by telegraph.
On motion, the secretary was instructed to forward to Mr. Bloch the following dispatch:
Rev. J. Bloch, Little Rock, Ark. Successful or unsuccessful you will receive hundred and fifty dollars towards your traveling expenses.
There appearing no further business, on motion, the meeting adjourned.
S. Morris, Sec.
[Note 1: John Domingos, carpenter, 1895 city directory] [Note 2: John Churchman, piper, 1895 city directory]
Sacramento, November 30th, 1880
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Judge Haines office at 7 1/2 o'clock P.M.
Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair. All officers was noted present except Mr. Hamburger, Lubin and Weinstock.
The minutes of the last regular meeting, also of November 1st was read and approved.
The resignation of Mr. A. Lyon [note 2]was read, and on motion, accepted.
Application of Mr. Felix Cohn to become a member was read, and on motion, the application was received, and Mr. Felix Cohn was elected a member of this congregation.
On motion of Mr. G. Haines, a committee of 3 be appointed (and the President be one of them) to solicit subscription to aid Rev. J. Bloch in fixing up his house. Carried.
The President appointed M. Robertcheck, Vice President, L. Phillips, and the President.
On motion, the President be appointed one on committee to use his influence with the Lady's H.B. [Note] to subscribe toward the above cause. Carried.
The secretary stated that this congregation is in need of music books Zimrat Yah the same what Rev. Bloch ordered to get for the choir, and there is such music in town what can be had at reduced rates, to the amount of $15.00 and $2.45 expressage (the original cost is $21.75 and expresssage). On motion, the secretary was authorized to purchase the same at reduced rate. Carried.
[Note: Reference is to the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society] [Note 2: There was an A. Lyos in the members' list. Writing on the page referred to A. Lyon as resigning.]