Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 2: 1879-1890





The President appointed Mr. L. Phillips and Lithauer.

Mrs. M.M. Levy presented several silk bands for the Sefer Torah, and on motion, the secretary was instructed to a letter of thanks to Mrs. Levy and the same be spread on the minutes. Carried.

Sacramento, March 1th, 1881

Mrs. M. M. Levy At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers of the Congregation B.I. the secretary was instructed to tender you their sincere thanks for your liberal donation given to this congregation. I remain your obedient S. Morris, Secretary of C.B.I.

On motion that the second annual Purim Ball be given on March 15, 1881, for the benefit of the C.B.I. Carried.

On motion, the President appointed a committee of 3 in conjunction with the President to make arrangement for the ball. Carried. The President appointed Mr. L. Phillips, Lithauer, and Morris.

On motion, Mr. Lithauer be appointed a committee of 1 to ask Eureka Social Club to aid us at the Purim Ball. Carried.

The following bills was allowed for the month of January, 1881 M. Wilson, for collecting and marriage fees $30.00 " " " wood chopper & broom 1.50 Rev. J. Bloch, salary and marriage fees 160.00 N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00 Wm. Rand, organist 15.00 221.50

Last edit 7 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Amount brought over $221.50 D. Gardner, half cord wood 5.00 Sac. Journal printing rec'd. book, etc. 10.00 Total $236.50

The following bills was allowed for February Rev. J. Bloch, salary $150.00 " " " 3 music books 4.50 M. Wilson, for collecting 25.00 Gas Co. 7.00 N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00 Ross & Bauer, 4 chairs for cemetery 7.00 Wm. Rand, organist, 3 weeks 11.25 $219.75

There appearing no further business, the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris, Sec.

Last edit 7 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


Sacramento, March 28th, 1881

A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers was held at Mr. B. Kozminsky's office at 10 1/2 o'clock, A.M.

Mr. L. Elkus, President, in the chair. All officers was noted present except Messrs. Lithauer and Lubin.

The minutes of last regular was read and was amended by adding the word Shamas to collector.

Application was read from the following gentlemen to become member of this congregation. Mr. I. Simon, S. Zimer, & S.J. Nathan and on motion, the application was received and the above gentlemen was elected members of this congregation.

On motion of Judge Haines, a committee of 2 be appointed to make inquiries what the cost would be to fix up the basement for a school room in the synagogue. Carried. The president appointed Judge Haines and Mr. Robertcheck.

The committee on rules and regulation made a partial report and ask further time which, on motion, was granted.

The following bills was allowed Rev. Dr. J. Bloch, salary for March $150.00 M. Wilson, collector and shamas 25.00 Mr. Fleissner, organist and music books 26.00 Gas Co., for gas 5.25 N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00 Ross & Bauer, for labor 3.55 S. Morris, stationery & sundries 6.00 Miss Z. Wood, singing in choir 5.00 Total $235.80

Last edit 7 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


There appearing no further business the meeting adjourned.

S. Morris Secretary

Sacramento, April 24th, 1881

A regular monthly meeting of the board of officer of C.B.I. was held at Mr. B. Kozminsky's office at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M.

Mr L. Elkus President, presiding. All officer was noted present except Mr. D. Lubin.

The Minutes was read and approved.

Resignation of Mr D. Hyman was read and on motion accepted.

Report of Committee on Basement made their report, that the fixing up basement for school purpose would cost not less than one thousand dollars and then it will not look well. On motion, the report was received, and Committee discharged.

The Committee on Rules and Regulations was on Motion discharged, and postpone action until the general meeting of Congregation.

A Communication from Rev. J. Bloch was read in regard of altering the reading desk. On motion the communication was received, placed on file and action deferred, until general meeting of B.I.

Last edit 7 months ago by Congregation B'nai Israel


The Purim ball Committee make their report as follow Sales of Tickets $191.50 Cash Taking at supper 35.25 " " of Hatroom 12.50 " " for lot of sugar 1.50 Total $240.75 Total Expenses $129.25 balance $111.50

There is also 39 Tickets out yet. On motion the report was received.

On motion of Mr. Haines that $23.00 be appropriated to buy a suitable wedding present for Miss Goldman, on account she has volunteered to sing in choir. Carried. The President and Vice President was appointed on committee to select a present for Miss Goldman.

On motion the President and secretary was authorized to procure a seal for the C.G. [congregation??]

On motion of Mr. Haines, a committee of 5 be appointed including the President to make arrangement for a picnic. Carried.

The President appointed Mr. L. Phillips, Mr. A. Hamburger, L.J. Lithauer, M. Levy and the President.

The following bills was allowed G. Haines exchange Silver $1.20 Rev J. Bloch Salary and Wedding fees 160.00 M. Wilson, collector and Shamas " " 30.00 N. Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00 O. Fleissner, Organist 20.00 Miss J. Wood for singing in Choir 5.00 Capitol Gas Co 4.90 City Taxes 94.00 Total $310.10 [$330.10]

["There is also 39 tickets out Year." Perhaps purchased a previous calendar year and needing to be figured into the budget as such?]

Last edit about 1 month ago by Congregation B'nai Israel
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