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[Note: December, 1919 Minutes]

Music Committee

Irving Heilborn [sic]
M. Fried
C. Rothholz
Two member of Ladies Aux.
Mrs. Albert Elkus
Mrs. Caesar Rothholz
Chairman C.P. Nathan

That our organ is kept in good
repair and occasional special soloist
or quartet obtained and our festival
and holiday music arranged for music
books always to be on hand.

Committee on By Laws

Isidor Brown
Herman Davis
C. Rothholz
Henry Hass
Leon Saloman.

To revise and prepared by
laws for a special meeting.

Sunday School Committee.
Chairman - Herman Davis
Henry Hass [sic]
Irving Heilborn. [sic]
Two members of Ladies Aux.

That our Sunday School have a touch
of personal attention from the school
committee, who should visit it periodically
and report to trustees that our
school be made as inviting for the
children as possible.

Membership Committee

Chairman -- Irving Heilborn [sic]
M. Fried
C. Rothholz
Two members of Ladies Aux.
Isidor Brown
Gus Marks
Herman Davis
Henry Hass [sic]
Max Simon
Mrs. Leo Garfinkle
Mrs. Dr. Fried

That all eligible Jews in Sacramento be obtained
and solicited for membership.


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