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This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Isaac Mayer Wise

The Union of American Hebrew Congregations

[Seal of UAHC]

Hebrew Union College

Department of Synagog

Jewish Bureau of Civil Rights

J. Walter Freiberg

Chas. Shohl
Harry Cutler
Julius Rosenwald
Isaac W. Bernheim
Ludwig Vogelstein

Rabbi George Zepin

Executive Board
N. Henry Beckman
Cincinnati, O.
Isaac W. Bernheim
Louisville, Ky.
Fred E.. Bruml
Cleveland, O.
Alfred M. Cohen
Cincinnati, O.
Judge Josiah Cohen
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Harry Cutler
Providence, R.I.
Dr. David W. Edelman
Los Angeles, Cal.
Gustave A. Efroymson
Indianapolis, Ind.
J. Walter Freiberg
Cincinnati, O.
Isaac Goldberg
Detroit, Mich.
Daniel P. Hays
New York City
I.W. Hellman, Jr.
San Francisco, Cal.
Simeon M. Johnson
Cincinnati, O.
Adolf Kraus
Chicago, Ill.
Albert L. Levi
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Baruch Mahler
Cleveland, O.
Judge Max B. May
Cincinnati, O.
Henry Morgenthau
New York City
Jacob R. Morse
Boston, Mass.
Adolph S. Ochs
New York City
William Ornstein
Cincinnati, O.
A.C. Ratshesky
Boston, Mass.
Marcus Rauh
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sigmund Rheinstrom
Cincinnati, O.
Maurice D. Rosenberg
Washington, D.C.
Simon W. Rosendale
Albany, N.Y.
Julius Rosenwald
Chicago, Ill.
A.L. Saltzstein
Milwaukee, Wis.
Jacob H. Schiff
New York City
Louis Schlesinger
Newark, N.J.
Jacob Schnadig
Chicago, Ill.
Isaac Schoen
Atlanta, Ga.
Charles Shohl
Cincinnati, O.
Samuel Straus
Cincinnati, O.
Ludwig Vogelstein
New York City
Joseph Wiesenfeld
Baltimore, Md.
Herman Wile
Buffalo, N.Y.
Albert Wolf
Philadelphia, Pa.
Adolphe Wolfe
Portland, Ore.
William B. Woolner
Peoria, Ill.

Duttenhofer Building
December 1, 1919

Mr. H.A. Binder,
Sacramento, Calif.,

Dear Sir: --

A short time ago we wrote to you asking
you to fill out a questionnaire relating to
congregational budgets. We have not as yet received your
reply. We are urged by the member of the Union desiring
the information to write to you again and request you
to fill out the accompanying blank.

Of course we realize that much of the
information would be considered private and
confidential and we shall so treat it. In publishing the
summaries of the facts obtained we shall use no names or
numbers that would identify the congregation giving
the desired data.

Trusting to hear from you soon, I am

Very sincerely yours,

[Signed] George Zepin


Let us establish his institutions on a firm financial basis

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