


Status: Complete

[Note: March 1923 Minutes]

Sacramento, Cal. Mar 1

At a meeting of the Board of Congregation "B'nai
Israel held at the Temple, the follow resolutions were

Whereas, it has pleased "God" in his infinite wisdom to
take from our midst our friend & highly esteemed member


& Whereas, he has faithfully served our Congregation as
secretary for over twenty-five years, & has been one of
the oldest members, and

Whereas, as a member of the Board, his efforts have
always been marked by a spirit of devotion & intelligent
judgement, therefore be it

Resolved, that we herby express our sincere sympathy
to the bereaved family, & be it further

Resolved, that as a token of our appreciation of his
fine character and of the value of his services to the
Congregation "Bnai Israel" - that his name be inscribed on the
Memorial Tablet in the Temple; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these Resolutions be sent
to the family, & a copy of the same be inscribed
in the minutes of the Congregation.

H.J. Litzberg
Temp. Secy.

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