Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 3, part 2: 1912-1929



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Sacramento, June 28, 1912

The board of officers met after services. Mr. Albert Elkus presiding. Present Max Simon, J. Lubin, Isidor Cohen & Sam Lavensen & Secretary.

Mr. J. Lubin reported that Mrs. Homer Hawley [Note] is going to Europe and that in consequence he made arrangements with Mr. Pease to furnish the choir for the holidays for him to furnish 4 people including himself -- and that Mr. Pease would furnish the choir after the holiday for $50.00 a month outside of the organist. That he would be willing to go on trial for 3 months and if satisfactory would continue for the balance of the year. On motion it was ordered that the report be received and approved.

No other business, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon Secretary

Sacramento, September 4, 1914

The board of officers met after services. Mr. Albert Elkus, president, presiding.

The choir committee reported that they made arrangement with Mr. Pease to furnish the choir -- 90.00 for the holidays. The action of the committee was approved.

Mr. Elkus stated that the Misses Sophie & Hattie Price have been singing for several years in the choir, that to show our appreciation, that a letter of thanks be addressed to each & a seat for life in the temple. It was moved & seconded that the suggestion be adopted.

No further business appearing, the board adjourned.

Leon Salomon Secretary

[Note: Perhaps Mrs. H.R. Hawley, Edward Pease, SacBee 5/3/1913]

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Sacramento, [?J] October 29, 1912

[The following is crossed out: Special meeting of the Board of officers of the congregation was held at the store of Mr. Albert Elkus at 7:30 P.M.

Mr. Elkus, President, called the meeting to order. Present Mr. Max Simon, Leo Garfinkle, Isidor Cohen, B. Frommer, Israel Lovich, Saul Levison and secretary L. Salomon.

The president stated that the object of the meeting was for the committee appointed at the last annual meeting to receive instructions in regard to make settlement with the Insurance Committee and hear their report.

The committee stated that they have met and have engaged Mr. Vanina, contractor, to give his opinion on..]

Officers President Albert Elkus Vice President Max Simon Secretary Leon Salomon Treasurer Isidor Cohen Trustees J. Lubin, B. Frommer & G. Reynolds School Board L. Garfinkle, I. Lovich & S. Levison

Committees Building Committee L. Garfinkle, Max Simon and Isidor Cohen

[Note: a fire had badly damaged the temple between the previous meeting & this meeting. Rededication announcement SacBee May 1, 1913]

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Sacramento, October 29th, 1912

A special meeting of the board of officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel was held at the store of Mr. Albert President at 7:30 P.M. Present, President Albert Elkus, Vice president Max Simon, Treasurer Isidor Cohen, Trustees B. Frommer and School director Israel Lovich and Sam Levinson [Note 1] and Secretary. The following resolution was presented and unanimously adopted.

Resolved: That Leo. Garfinkle, Max Simon, and Isidor Cohen be and hereby are authorized to enter into all adjustments arising from losses by fire to the temple B'nai Israel and to sign proof of losses, to receive all money and to give receipts therefor that may be due this corporation in account of any and all fire losses.

Mr. Garfinkle reported that he had met with balance of the Committee and the adjuster for the insurance - that they were perfectly satisfied to pay the full amount on the furniture, such as the scrolls - organ and that the committee had engaged Mr. Vanina, contractor, to examine the building and get his opinion what the building would cost to be put in the same condition as before the fire. Mr. Vanina stated that he would take the contract to put in same position and give a bonus in the sum of 4500.00. They paid $10.00 for his services.

On motion the committee was authorized to get an architect and get his opinion what it would cost to have the temple put in the same condition as before and make the best settlement for not less than 4500.00. And that no member of the congregation should interfere with the committee.

Nothing further, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon, Secretary

[Note 1: SacBee: July 6, 1912. A Samuel Levinson left Weinstocks to become a purchasing agent for the city. He's probably not one of the Lavensons.] [Note 2: See Note on p. 186 concerning the Resolution adopted at this meeting.]

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Sacramento, November 2, 1912

Special Meeting

The board of officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met at the residence of Mr. Garfinkle after the services at 13 & K.

Present President Albert Elkus Vice President Max Simon Secretary Leon Salomon Treasurer Isidor Cohen Trustees J. Lubin School Trustees L. Garfinkle & I. Lovich President Ladies Auxiliary Mrs. A. Elkus Vice President Mrs. Lewis Absent trustees B. Frommer & Doc Reynolds.

A letter was read from the trustees of the Unitarian Church offering their place of worship to our congregation during such time as we would have our temple rebuilt. The communication was received and a letter of thanks sent to the board of trustees of that church.

Also that a communication be addressed to Rev. Farrar [Note 1] for his kindness in offering us his church.

Also a communcation to the Rev. in offering their church to hold our services.

Also communication to Rev. Wills [Note 2] & the board of directors for their kindness in allowing us to hold our services on Friday nights in their church and for the school on Saturday morning.

The Building Committtee reported that they have made a settlement with insurance companies that they would pay the full amount on the furniture $4,000.00 and 5426.40 for the damage on the building and that the adjuster Mr. Smith has been very generous in adjusting our losses. On motion, the secretary was authorized to communicate with agents of the insurance co. to thank them for the promptness they have adjusted our loss & a personal letter be addressed to Mr. Smith for his kindness during the time.

[Note 1: Rev. Charles Farrar, St. Paul's Episcopal] [Note 2: Rev. J.T. Wills, Westminster Presbyterian]

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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The report of the committee was received and approved.

On motion it was ordered that the building committee be allowed 2 weeks to submit plans and costs showing details to rebuild the temple and are authorized to employ an architect and that this report be submitted to Board which will submit the same to the members of the congregation.

The committee was authorized to go to Stockton for the purpose of examining the temple and procure the blueprints if possible.

Mr. Garfinkle stated that he had placed insurance of 2500.00 on the balance of the property. The action was approved.

The building committee was authorized to insure the piano, bookcases and chairs stored at the residence of C. Bloom on 15th St.

Mr. Rivitt was authorized to take up the carpet and clean for the price contracted by the committee. The choir was to continue until further notice. Mrs. Elkus stated that Mr. M. Hanlon [Note] had offered the banquet hall at the Sacramento Hotel for the meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary next Monday.

The Secretary was instructed to write a letter of thanks to Mr. Hanlon.

A letter of thanks addressed to Mrs. Dan Barnes in her effort to save things from the temple.

The Secretary was instructed to communicate with Rev. Wills and ask him to give us the bill for lights & fuel during our services. The board fixed the salary of the janitor of the church 10.00 a month.

No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon Secretary

[Note: William H. Hanlon, Hotel Sacramento, city directory 1914]

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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