Sacramento, June 28, 1912
The board of officers met after services. Mr. Albert
Elkus presiding. Present Max Simon, J. Lubin,
Isidor Cohen & Sam Lavensen & Secretary.
Mr. J. Lubin reported that Mrs. Homer Hawley [Note] is
going to Europe and that in consequence he made
arrangements with Mr. Pease to furnish the choir
for the holidays for him to furnish 4 people including
himself -- and that Mr. Pease would furnish
the choir after the holiday for $50.00 a month
outside of the organist. That he would be willing
to go on trial for 3 months and if satisfactory
would continue for the balance of the year.
On motion it was ordered that the report
be received and approved.
No other business, the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon
Sacramento, September 4, 1914
The board of officers met after services. Mr.
Albert Elkus, president, presiding.
The choir committee reported that they
made arrangement with Mr. Pease to furnish
the choir -- 90.00 for the holidays. The action
of the committee was approved.
Mr. Elkus stated that the Misses Sophie &
Hattie Price have been singing for several
years in the choir, that to show our appreciation,
that a letter of thanks be addressed to each
& a seat for life in the temple. It was
moved & seconded that the suggestion be adopted.
No further business appearing, the board adjourned.
Leon Salomon
[Note: Perhaps Mrs. H.R. Hawley, Edward Pease, SacBee 5/3/1913]
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