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Sacramento, [?J] October 29, 1912

[The following is crossed out:
Special meeting of the Board of officers of the
congregation was held at the store of Mr.
Albert Elkus at 7:30 P.M.

Mr. Elkus, President, called the meeting to order.
Present Mr. Max Simon, Leo Garfinkle,
Isidor Cohen, B. Frommer, Israel Lovich,
Saul Levison and secretary L. Salomon.

The president stated that the object of the meeting
was for the committee appointed at the last
annual meeting to receive instructions in regard
to make settlement with the Insurance Committee
and hear their report.

The committee stated that they have met
and have engaged Mr. Vanina, contractor, to
give his opinion on..]

President Albert Elkus
Vice President Max Simon
Secretary Leon Salomon
Treasurer Isidor Cohen
Trustees J. Lubin, B. Frommer & G. Reynolds
School Board L. Garfinkle, I. Lovich & S. Levison

Building Committee
L. Garfinkle, Max Simon and Isidor Cohen

[Note: a fire had badly damaged the temple between the previous meeting & this meeting. Rededication announcement SacBee May 1, 1913]

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