Sacramento, November 2, 1912
Special Meeting
The board of officers of the Congregation B'nai
Israel met at the residence of Mr. Garfinkle
after the services at 13 & K.
Present President Albert Elkus
Vice President Max Simon
Secretary Leon Salomon
Treasurer Isidor Cohen
Trustees J. Lubin
School Trustees L. Garfinkle & I. Lovich
President Ladies Auxiliary Mrs. A. Elkus
Vice President Mrs. Lewis
Absent trustees B. Frommer & Doc Reynolds.
A letter was read from the trustees of the Unitarian
Church offering their place of worship to our
congregation during such time as we would
have our temple rebuilt. The communication
was received and a letter of thanks sent to the
board of trustees of that church.
Also that a communication be addressed to Rev. Farrar [Note 1]
for his kindness in offering us his church.
Also a communcation to the Rev.
in offering their church to hold our services.
Also communication to Rev. Wills [Note 2] & the board of directors
for their kindness in allowing us to hold our
services on Friday nights in their church and
for the school on Saturday morning.
The Building Committtee reported that they have
made a settlement with insurance companies
that they would pay the full amount on the furniture
$4,000.00 and 5426.40 for the damage on the
building and that the adjuster Mr. Smith
has been very generous in adjusting our losses.
On motion, the secretary was authorized to
communicate with agents of the insurance co. to thank
them for the promptness they have adjusted our
loss & a personal letter be addressed to Mr. Smith
for his kindness during the time.
[Note 1: Rev. Charles Farrar, St. Paul's Episcopal]
[Note 2: Rev. J.T. Wills, Westminster Presbyterian]
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