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Sacramento, May 9, 1913

The Board of Officers met in the synogogue
after the services, Mr. Albert Elkus presiding.
The building committee presented several bills
which were referred back to them to be paid from
the Building fund.

The following communication was read:

May 8, 1913
Leon Salomon, Secretary
B'nai Israel, Sacramento

Dear Sir:
Enclosed herein please find
my check for $20.00 as donation toward the
rebuilding of the Temple as follows.
Caesar Rothholz 15.00
Lillian Rothholz 2.50
Morris Rothholz 2.50
Kindly acknowledge receipt of enclosed
and oblige Caesar Rothholz.

On motion the Secretary was instructed to
acknowledge same and with the thanks.

Communication from Mr. Sol Nathan that in the
future his monthly dues will be 2.50 instead
of $5.00.

Bill from Mr. J. Ginsberg for sundries
articles bought and labor for 24.00. Mr. Leo Garfinkle
moved that the bill be paid, and 10.00 additional
be added for his services. The motion was duly
seconded and carried.

The question of the old organ, to remove it,
was left with the President.

No further business appearing
the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon

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