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Special Meeting

Sacramento, June 13, 1913

The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai
Israel met in the synagogue after the services,
Mr. Albert [Elkus] president presiding.

The Building Committee made a partial
report of the amount paid out and what would
be required yet and figuring that there will
be a shortage of about 4500.00.
The Building Committee was authorized to have
the Temple wired so to use a light to show

On motion it was orderd that the prices for
seats be the same as last year.

The Music Committee was instructed to make
arrangements for a choir for the Holiday.

The Board seem to be unanimous to get the
services of Professor Homer Henley. [Note]

Mr. Israel Lovich offered the following
resolution which was adopted.

Resolved, that the Rabbi be notified that any
change in the conduct of services or
invitations to speak from the pulpit be
submitted to the Board of Trustees for
approval and furthermore no expenses shall
be incurred except by order of the Board.
Furthermore, in the interim between meetings,
the President shall have full power to act
for the Board.

The Building Committee was instructed to
have the seats numbered.

On motion it was orderd that a warrant be
drawn on the Treasurer for $75.00 as a donation
in favor of Westminster Presbyterian Church
with a letter to the Reverend Wills.

No further business appearing the meeting

Leon Salomon

[Note: Homer Henley, music teacher Sacbee August 8, 1912]

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