Sacramento, December 2, 1913
The regular monthly meeting of the board
of officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel
met in the office of Max Simon, President
8:00 P.M.
Roll call Mr. Chas P. Nathan, trustee
and D. Ossry, school director noted absent.
The chair appointed the following committees.
On Building: Sam Stone, Phil Hirsch
and Leo Garfinkle
On cemetery: President & Vice President
On finance: Chas P. Nathan, Isidor Cohen,
and Albert Elkus.
On seats: Isidor Cohen & Sam Stone
On choir: D. Reynolds & Albert Elkus
The secretary stated that we have no
bylaws to guide ourselves. Mr. Phil Hirsch
moved that the secretary be instructed to
communicate with some congregations for a copy
of their bylaws. Mr. Stone seconded the nomination
which was carried.
The monthly meetings of the officers will
hereafter take place on the first Sunday of
each month at Mr. Max Simon place.
Mr. Leo Garfinkle who has subscribed $50.00
to the building fund after paying his
1st installment of $25.00 asked to be relieved
of the second installment of $25.00 which
was granted.
A letter to Mr. Albert Elkus from the firm of
Dunn, Cowan & Brand, attorneys for
H.W. Rivett [Note] in regard to the account against
the building comittee for $69.35 was read
and referrred to the building committee.
No further business appearing, the
meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon
[Note: Rivett's Carpet Cleaning Works, city directory 1907]
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