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Regular Meeting

Sacramento, January 6, 1914

The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai
Israel met at Mr. Simon's place 8 P.M.
Full Board present with the exception of Mr. D. Ossry.

Mr. Rivett [Note 1] who has been notified to appear before
our meeting being present for the purpose of
his bill which the Board refused to pay on account
of overcharge. The matter was taken and the contract
which he had signed to do the work was
shown to the Board and Mr. Frazer who Mr. Rivett had
brought to the meeting. The check was presented
for the amount allowed by the Building Committee
as per contract and which Mr. Rivett had previously
refused was again tendered to him and he accepted
same, which closed the transaction.

The Secretary presented some bylaws which he
was authorized as the previous meeting to procure.
The chair appointed a committee consisting of
Mr. Chas. P. Nathan, Albert Elkus, and Dr. Reynolds
to look them over and propose a set of bylaws
for our congregation.

The Committee on resolutions was granted further

The matter of laying a cement walk in the front
of our cemetery was referred to the Building Commitee.
Mr. Albert Elkus moved and duly seconded that
the Secretary be instructed to draw a warrant
from the General fund in favor of the Building
fund for $111.85. The motion prevailed.

The names of M.J. Brand and Max Forman
were presented to become members of the congregation
recommended by Rabbi Fried at 1.60 each per month.
On motion it was ordered that they be elected
and placed on the Roll.

The President, Vice President, and Treasurer
were instructed to see Mr. J. Ginsberg [Note 2] and
find out if he wishes to continue to keep the
Temple in good order, as complaints

[Note 1: Rivett's Carpet Cleaning Works, city directory 1907]
[Note 2: Jacob Ginsberg, glazier]

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