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Regular Monthly Meeting

Sacramento, April 7, 1914. Mr. Simon in the chair.
The Board of Officers met at 814 K St at
8 P.M. Mr. Phil Hirsch and L.G. Reynolds absent.
The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary was instructed to communicate
with Mr. Vanina the contractor to examine
the roof of the Temple and before doing so to call
on the President Mr. Max Simon. The matter
of the bill was agin referred back to the
Building Committee and if the committee
finds that he is not entitled to the full
amount of the bill, not to pay it.

The engrossed resolutions to Mr. Albert Elkus
were presented and handed to the President to
tender then to Mr. Albert Elkus.

The bill of $7.00 of Mr. Kleinsorge [Note] for the
work was ordered paid.

Mr. Isidor Cohen noted that he had received
a letter from Mr. Laurence R. Levy who left
Sacramento sometime during the month of
October 1913 intending to go to England, but got
sick on its way and stayed in New York. He had
sent 56.00 of which he wanted to pay one year dues
and the balance as a donation. It was moved
and seconded that a note of thanks be tendered
to Mr. L.R. Levy and the Secretary to express it in
a communcation.

Mr. Sam Stone stated that he had something
to say, but felt a little backwards as the matter
was of one who was present at the meeting
stating that the Board wishes to show their
appreciation of the services rendered by the Secretary
and a motion was made and duly seconded
that the Secretary be presented $100.00
for past services and an order drawn
on the Treasurer for same.

[Note: Maybe Wm. Kleinsorge, attorney, city directory 1914]

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