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The Secretary thanked the Board for this
liberal gift.

The Secretary was instructed to look up the
old records in regard to graves in
the cemetery with some persons claimed
they had paid for.

The following names were presented for membership.
Ned Liche proposed by Rabbi Fried 1.10
per month and F.B. Hasenberg proposed by
Leo Garfinkle 1.10 per month. On motion it
was ordered that both be placed on the roll
of membership.

Nothing further appearing the meeting

Leon Salomon

Regular Monthly Meeting

Sacramento, June 2, 1914

The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai
Israel met at 8 P.M. at 814 K Street.
Mr. Max Simon President in the chair and Sam Stone V.P.
Roll Call, present: Max Simon, President. Isidor
Cohen, Treasurer. Leon Salomon, Secretary. B. Frommer,
Albert Elkus, Chas. P. Nathan, L.G. Reynolds.
Absent: Leo Garfinkle and Phil Hirsch.

Minutes of regular meeting April 7th read and approved.

The question of fixing a price on perpetual
care of graves was brought before the meeting.
Mr. Stone moved that the price be fixed for 150.00
for each grave and that such funds deriving from it
to be kept separate in bank. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Isidor Cohen and carried.
The cemetery was authorized to look after
the cemetery to be kept in good order.

A communcation from Mr. Albert Elkus was read thanking the
Board and congregation for the sentiments expressed in the
engrossed Resolution. No further business appearing the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon, Secretary

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