


Status: Complete

Sacramento, October 8, 1914

The board of officers met at the store of
Mr. Max Simon at 8 P.M.
Present President Max Simon, Vice President
Sam Stone, Treasurer Isidor Cohen,
Secretary Leon Salomon, and trustees
B. Frommer, Chas. P. Nathan, Phil
Hirsch & Leo Garfinkle.
Minutes of previous meeting read and

The resignations of Henry Myer as a member
of the congregation which was laid over at
the last meeting at the request of Mr. S. Stone
was again taken up and accepted.

Communication from the Hebrew United
Brotherhood of Charlotte, N.C. dated
Sep. 9, 1914 acknowledging receipt of 5.00 donation
and thanking us for the same.
Ordered received and placed on file.

The cemetery reported that they had made
arrangements for the laying of cement walk
as per contract $99.00 that the same was done
and the bill for same ordered paid.

Bill from M. Hirsch and Sons for material
furnished to Mr. Freese, plumber [Note], to fix the
radiator in the temple 51.38 and bill of Mr. Freese
for labor on same for 93.50 was read
and ordered paid.

Bill from Burgess and Olson for 2 chairs
for the pulpit for 28.80 net was ordered paid.

No further business appearing, the meeting

Leon Salomon, Secretary

[Note: Albert F. Freese, plumber, Hirsch & Son]

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