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Sacramento, November 5, 1914

The board of officers of the Congregation
B'nai Israel met at Mr. Sam Stone's
place of business at 8 P.M. Mr. Stone,
president, called the meeting to order.
At the roll call, Israel Lovich and Max
Simon noted absent.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

A communication from Mr. Max Simon
dated October 27th offering his resignation
as a trustee was read and on motion was
not accepted and the secretary instructed
to communicate with Mr. Simon that it
is the wish of Board to reconsider his
resignation and remain on the board.

The cemetery committee reported that they have
the front of the cemetery between the fence and the
cement walk [?lined] so as to conform with
walk and a bill for $30.50 was presented.
On motion it was ordered that the action
of the committee be approved and the bill

The chair appointed the following standing committee
on School Chas. P. Nathan and Israel Lovich
on Building B. Frommer and Leo Garfinkle
on Finance Israel Lovich and Phil Hirsch
on Choir Dr. Reynolds and Max Simon

Phil Hirsch was authorized to have a pan
placed under the motor and the building
committee to see that the seats be so fixed
as not to make the noise when persons sit down
or move in it.

Financial Report
Balance cash with treasurer on Nov. 1, 1914 455.18
Receipts during month from Collector 259.30
From Jaffee's daughters for memorial 20.00
Paid out as per warrants from 2124 to 2134 414.18
Balance in treasury 320.30

No further business the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon, Secretary

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