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Trustees Meeting

Sacramento, February 4, 1915

The Regular Meeting of the Board of
Trustees Congregation B'nai Israel
met at the place of Sam Stone at 8 P.M.
Mr. Sam Stone, President, called the meeting
to order. Vice President Phil Hirsch
and I. Lovich, trustees, noted absent.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

A Committee from the Judea Society was
present at the meeting, represented by D. Singer,
H.J. Litzberg & M. Rothholz [Note 1], ask permission
to hold their meeting in the Vestry Room
of the Temple on (Sunday nights) alternate
Sundays & permission to have their class.
They are willing to contribute for lights, fuel oil
and pay their janitor. The President
stated that he had given permission
to use the room. On motion it was
ordered that the action of the President
be approved & that the club can continue
to use the vestry room on the alternate
Sundays, providing they are not to make
any noise. And if any complaint is made
that the President should investigate.

Mr. Max Simon, having refused to
reconsider his resignation, his resignation
was accepted.

The Judea Club made a donation to the
congregation of $5.00.

A communication from Simon Wolf,
Chairman Board of Delegates in regard
to the Immigration bill now before the
Senate. No action was taken as the bill
has been vetoed by the President of the
U.S. [Note 2]

No further business, the meeting

Leon Salomon

[Note 1: Harry J. Litzberg, men's furnishings, Max or Morris Rothholz, 1914 city directory]

[Note 2: https://www.bnaibrith.org/amid-a-flood-of-new-immigrants-bnai-brith-stepped-up-html/ "In 1915, B’nai B’rith’s leaders interceded with U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to veto the proposed Burnett Immigration Bill, whose stringent literacy test and increased “head tax”—a mandatory fee imposed on those arriving in the United States—was intended to bar many from entering."]

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