Regular Monthly Meeting
[Crossed out: Sacramento, February 4, 1915
The board of officers of the congregation B'nai
Israel met at 919 K at 8 P.M. President
S. Stone presiding.
At the roll call Mr. Chas P. Nathan was noted absent.
Regular monthly meeting of
the board of officers of the Congregation
B'nai Israel.
Sacramento, March 4, 1915
The board met at 919 K at 8 P.M.
Mr. Sam Stone, president, presiding.
Trustee Mr. Chas. P. Nathan noted absent.
Minutes of previous meeting deferred reading.
Mr. Israel Lovich stated that on Friday
evenings after services would be a better thing
for the officers to meet in place of Thursdays.
And he therefore moved that it be so changed.
Mr. Phil Strich seconded the motion. An
amendment was offered to let the matter rest
until next meeting as Mr. Chas. P. Nathan
was absent as through him, the meeting was
changed from Friday evening to the 1st Thursday
of each month. The amendment was carried.
The cemetery committee reported that during
the last storm a tree was torn over the
fence and damaged the same considerable.
The committee was given full power to have
the fence repaired.
Mr. Hirschfeld asked to resign from the
congregation temporarily. The board allowed him
to remain on the books until September 1, 1915.
Mr. N. Licht also stated that for the present
he is not able to keep up his dues, that
later on he would pay what he owes.
The board also extended to him to September 1, 1915.
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