Sacramento, March 9, 1916
The board of officers of the Congregation
B'nai Israel met at 919 K St. at 8 P.M.
Mr. Sam Stone, president, called the meeting to order.
All present except D[r.] L.G. Reynolds.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
A communication from Mr. David Lubin was read
as follows.
Sacramento, February 21, 1916
Albert Elkus, Esq. Sacramento
Dear Mr. Elkus
Enclosed cheque is for synagogue
The secretary stated that the above letter
was handed to him from Mr. Elkus with the
cheque and he paid same over to the treasurer.
On motion it was ordered that the secretary
be authorized to communicate with Mr. Lubin
and to thank him for his generous gift.
The matter of looking for a piece of ground
for a cemetery was again brought before
the meeting and the committee instructed to see
if they couldn't select a suitable ground.
The president stated that he sold a grave
to the heirs of Mark Harrison for $150.00 and
handed the bill to Mr. Conger [Note], administrator of
the estate. No further business being in order
The meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon
[Note: Horace W. Conger, Ft. Sutter Nat'l Bank]
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